The Hollow Hills Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Hollow Hills Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who has lost the ability to stand up to Uther as Uther chooses an heir?
(a) Lot.
(b) Merlin.
(c) Ralf.
(d) Cador.

2. Who does Merlin tell must leave Luguvallium and never return to the Court?
(a) Morgian.
(b) Morgause.
(c) Ralf.
(d) Cador.

3. Who is named as a suspect in breaking Uther's sword?
(a) Cador and Merlin.
(b) Ector and Lot.
(c) Arthur and Lot.
(d) Ector and Cador.

4. Who does Merlin send to tell Ector's wife that he and Arthur will join Candor on the ride north?
(a) Bilis.
(b) Cei.
(c) Ralf.
(d) Arthur.

5. Who stands on Merlin's right inside the chapel?
(a) None of these.
(b) Lot and his followers.
(c) Cador and his company.
(d) Ector and Cei.

Short Answer Questions

1. What decorates Uther's great cloak?

2. What can Merlin see in Uther now that the battle has ended?

3. Who does Arthur share a strong bond of loyalty and friendship with?

4. Who attempts to see Uther three times, but is denied because Arthur is with him?

5. What is happening by the time Merlin and Arthur arrive at the battlefield to find Uther?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Cador come to visit Merlin in the forest while Arthur is in Bilis' cave? How does he approach Merlin?

2. Why is Arthur's thirteenth year known as the "Black Year"?

3. What challenges does Lot raise against Uther's proclamation that Arthur is his heir? What do his challenges cause?

4. Why does Merlin leave immediately after the feast? What warning does Ralf give him?

5. What do the lords and commoners find when they reach the Perilous Chapel?

6. How do Lot and Cador respond to Arthur claiming the sword that makes him the rightful High King?

7. How does Arthur find Caliburn, Macsen's sword?

8. What trap is set for Merlin as he rides to the Perilous Chapel? Who saves him?

9. What is the significance of Morgause entering the makeshift hospital where Merlin and Arthur are?

10. What reality hits Arthur as he finds out that he is Uther's son and Uther is, in fact, dying?

(see the answer keys)

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