The Hollow Hills Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Hollow Hills Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Merlin first intend to do with the holy man's chapel, but then changes his mind?
(a) He plans to give it to one of the monasteries near King Uther's castle.
(b) He plans to burn it.
(c) He plans to give it to one of the monasteries near Count Ector's castle.
(d) He plans to give it to Arthur.

2. Where do Merlin and Ralf meet the king's soldiers?
(a) Both of these.
(b) On the beach, after the ferry has departed.
(c) Neither of these.
(d) When they are resting in the ferryman's hut.

3. Who is suspected of helping Saxon prisoners escape British capture?
(a) Lot.
(b) Neither of these.
(c) Cador.
(d) Both of these.

4. Why has Uther summoned Merlin to his camp, and why does he want to speak with Merlin?
(a) About his unborn child.
(b) About his wife.
(c) About his enemies.
(d) About his rule and his future.

5. Who does Merlin take with him on his journey home?
(a) Stilicho.
(b) Maximus.
(c) Adean.
(d) Franklin.

6. What is the name of the chamberlain who tells Merlin about the king's condition?
(a) Lucan.
(b) Ralf.
(c) Lot.
(d) Morgian.

7. How does Merlin know that someone has recently been in the forest chapel where the holy man lives?
(a) There is a half eaten dinner.
(b) There is a candle that is not yet hard after burning.
(c) Both of these.
(d) Neither of these.

8. Why does Stilicho stay behind at Merlin's cave?
(a) To keep up the illusion that Merlin is at home.
(b) To care for his livestock.
(c) To listen for the harp.
(d) To create a potion for Merlin.

9. Whose eyes does Merlin believe Arthur has?
(a) Ygraine.
(b) Gorlois.
(c) Ambrosius.
(d) Uther.

10. What direction does Merlin set off in after sending Ralf off with the request regarding Uther's unborn child?
(a) West.
(b) North.
(c) East.
(d) South.

11. How old does Merlin tell Uther that Arthur will be on Christmas Eve?
(a) Seven.
(b) Nine.
(c) Eight.
(d) Ten.

12. What is the name of the woods that Merlin and his troop ride through?
(a) The Perilous Forest.
(b) The Enchanted Wood.
(c) The Forbidden Forest.
(d) The Secret Wood.

13. How does Merlin convince the hillsmen that he is the enchanter?
(a) He conjures water.
(b) He conjures a fire.
(c) He speaks to them in the Old Tongue.
(d) All of these.

14. What does Arthur bring Merlin the day after Arthur meets him?
(a) Eggs and bread.
(b) Honeycake and water.
(c) Honey and cake.
(d) Eggs and honeycake.

15. When does Merlin arrive in Britain?
(a) Early summer.
(b) Early fall.
(c) Late summer.
(d) Late spring,

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of the pagan God of Air to which the common people still do obeisance?

2. Where does Merlin tell the spies that Arthur lives?

3. What is Arthur's younger sister's name?

4. Who is tending to Merlin after he is injured falling from his horse?

5. What takes Merlin by surprise after he calls out for the holy man?

(see the answer keys)

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