Holes Test | Final Test - Medium

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Holes Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who do the counselors tell Stanley came to visit the day Stanley is found covered with deadly creatures?
(a) Stanley's father.
(b) Stanley's lawyer.
(c) Stanley's mother.
(d) Stanley's girlfriend.

2. Why did Linda Miller marry Trout Walker?
(a) She was pregnant.
(b) It was an arranged Marriage.
(c) Money.
(d) Love.

3. What fills some of the holes that Stanley jumps over while walking through the desert alone after the water truck incident?
(a) Rattlesnakes.
(b) Alligators.
(c) Yellow-spotted lizards.
(d) Scorpions.

4. What is Zero doing while he and Stanley are trapped in the hole covered in deadly creatures?
(a) Praying.
(b) Sounding out letters.
(c) Singing the lullaby his mother and Stanley both sang.
(d) Spelling small words.

5. What is wrong with Zero when Stanley finds him after the water truck incident?
(a) He has heatstroke.
(b) He is sick to his stomach.
(c) He is dehydrated.
(d) He has a headache.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was Brian yelling to Stanley while he was in the water truck?

2. Where did Zero put the famous sneakers he stole that eventually got Stanley in trouble?

3. In Part 2, Chapter 35, what does Stanley tell Zero that they need to do?

4. What reason does the warden give for needing to check Stanley's suitcase?

5. What do X-Ray and Zigzag offer Stanley mockingly?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Stanley learn about Zero's past?

2. After recovering on top of the mountain, what do Zero and Stanley plan to do?

3. What happens when Zero & Stanley return to camp from the mountain?

4. What embarrassed Hattie Parker?

5. Why does Stanley want to go back to camp so badly after finding Zero in the desert?

6. What does Zero discover about the metal case he and Stanley have found?

7. What surprises Stanley as he walks across the desert after the water truck incident?

8. What do Zigzag and the other boys do to Stanley to bait him into a fight?

9. Describe the boy that comes to Camp Green Lake to take Zero's place.

10. What happens when the water truck comes to the dig site the afternoon Zero's replacement arrives?

(see the answer keys)

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