Holes Test | Final Test - Medium

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Holes Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Zero offer Stanley while they are under the boat?
(a) Mud Pies.
(b) Gunk.
(c) Water.
(d) Sploosh.

2. Who do the counselors tell Stanley came to visit the day Stanley is found covered with deadly creatures?
(a) Stanley's mother.
(b) Stanley's girlfriend.
(c) Stanley's father.
(d) Stanley's lawyer.

3. When would Zero go to homeless shelters?
(a) When he was hungry.
(b) When he was scared.
(c) When he felt sad.
(d) Only in bad weather.

4. What two things do Zero and Stanley pack before heading back to camp from the mountain?
(a) Onions and clean socks.
(b) Socks and shovels.
(c) Onions and water.
(d) Shovels and water.

5. What was Zero's mother at one point in time?
(a) A Girl Scout.
(b) A nun.
(c) A policewoman.
(d) A baby sitter.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Mr. Pendanski say Stanley should be trying to teach reading to rather than Zero?

2. What does Stanley do when Zero gives out while they are climbing the side of the mountain?

3. What does Stanley do when Mr. Sir fills his canteen again the first time?

4. What does Brian do that earns him his nickname?

5. When Stanley is sure that Zero isn't going to die on the mountain, what does he do?

Short Essay Questions

1. How has Zero survived the harsh desert for so long when Stanley finds him?

2. What does Zero discover about the metal case he and Stanley have found?

3. What encourages Stanley as he walks through the desert alone after the water truck incident?

4. Describe the boy that comes to Camp Green Lake to take Zero's place.

5. What happens when Zero & Stanley return to camp from the mountain?

6. What happens when lightning crosses the dark desert sky?

7. After recovering on top of the mountain, what do Zero and Stanley plan to do?

8. What happens after Mr. Sir has filled Stanley's canteen for the first time?

9. Why does Stanley feel he needs to go back down the mountain, and what is making him hesitant to go?

10. When Kissing Kate Barlow came back to her town of Green Lake what did she find?

(see the answer keys)

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