Holes Test | Final Test - Medium

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Holes Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Pendanski blame the fight between Zigzag and Standley on?
(a) Stanley.
(b) Zero.
(c) Kate Barlow.
(d) Zigzag.

2. What does Stanley do for Zero to keep him moving and his mind off the pain when they are in the desert alone?
(a) Sings him a song.
(b) Tells him stories about his great-grandfather.
(c) Gives him words to spell.
(d) Tells him about his home.

3. What happens as Stanley drives home from Camp Green Lake?
(a) The lawyer stops for ice cream.
(b) It rains over Green Lake.
(c) Stanley gets car sick.
(d) Stanley and Zero make a friendship pact.

4. What makes Stanley think there isn't much hope at the top of the mountain?
(a) Stanley is unlucky.
(b) The lack of animals.
(c) The lack of vegetation.
(d) The bad smell.

5. What reason does the warden give for needing to check Stanley's suitcase?
(a) To make sure there aren't any scorpions in it.
(b) Theft or confidential information pertaining to other boys.
(c) Theft or drugs.
(d) Her car keys are missing.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is wrong with Zero when Stanley finds him after the water truck incident?

2. What does Zigzag accuse Stanley of treating Zero like?

3. What do the counselors do when Zero runs away?

4. What does Stanley do when Mr. Sir fills his canteen again the first time?

5. What does Zero tell Stanley before he falls to sleep on the mountain in Part 2, Chapter 39?

Short Essay Questions

1. After recovering on top of the mountain, what do Zero and Stanley plan to do?

2. How has Zero survived the harsh desert for so long when Stanley finds him?

3. What surprises Stanley as he walks across the desert after the water truck incident?

4. What do Zigzag and the other boys do to Stanley to bait him into a fight?

5. What happens when lightning crosses the dark desert sky?

6. What happens when Zero is questioned about the reading lessons Stanley is giving him?

7. Why does Stanley want to go back to camp so badly after finding Zero in the desert?

8. What happens when the attorney tries to get Stanley in the car to leave Camp Green Lake?

9. Why was Stanley found innocent of stealing the sneakers?

10. Explain how it changes Stanley's situation that Zero is digging for Stanley an hour out of every day?

(see the answer keys)

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