Holes Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Holes Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Stanley decide to make the deal with X-Ray to give him anything he finds?
(a) Because Stanley is afraid of X-Ray.
(b) Because X-Ray is the leader of the boys.
(c) Because Stanley and X-Ray are friends.
(d) Because Stanley and X-Ray want to know what what the warden wants.

2. When Stanley returns to the camp after digging his second hole, what does he find happening?
(a) Mr. Sir yelling at Zero.
(b) The swat team tearing apart the rec room.
(c) Mr. Pendanski counseling the boys.
(d) The warden punishing X-Ray.

3. What does Stanley nearly step on while walking back to the dig site after Mr. Sir took him to get in trouble with the warden?
(a) A yellow-spotted Lizard.
(b) A rattlesnake.
(c) A scorpion.
(d) A pile of money.

4. What does the warden tell Mr. Pendanski that he is doing wrong after she has brought blood on one of the boys?
(a) Giving them too much water.
(b) Giving them too many breaks.
(c) Working them too hard.
(d) Not working them hard enough.

5. Who does Stanley's family say is the cause of their bad luck?
(a) Stanley's great-great-grandmother.
(b) Madame Zeroni.
(c) Stanley's old girl friend.
(d) Stanley's great-great-grandfather.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Mr. Pendanski's response to the rock with the fish fossil?

2. What does Mr. Sir take Stanley to the warden for in Part 1, Chapter 20?

3. What does Stanley memorize before he is moved closer to the hole that X-Ray had been digging when he claimed to have found the tube?

4. Why does Stanley decide not to go to the warden directly with what he finds in a hole on the third day of digging?

5. What tradition do the boys have after they finish every hole?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe Mr. Sir.

2. What does X-Ray tell Stanley after Stanley has shown his fossil fish to Mr. Pendanski?

3. How does Stanley handle the fact that he is going to Camp Green Lake?

4. What does Stanley begin to notice changing in himself by Part 1, Chapter 17?

5. What happens to Stanley when the boys are all digging in one giant hole?

6. What is the warden's reply to Mr. Sir's accusations of Stanley stealing the sunflower seeds?

7. What happens at the beginning of the third day of digging?

8. What happens during the digging the day after X-Ray supposedly had found the lipstick tube?

9. What does Stanley suddenly realize about the initials on the tube of lipstick that X-Ray gave to the warden?

10. What happens when Magnet steals Mr. Sir's sunflower seeds?

(see the answer keys)

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