Holes Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Holes Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why doesn't X-Ray inspect the fossil Stanley found?
(a) He wanted the day off and is disappointed.
(b) He can't see well.
(c) He feels stupid.
(d) He doesn't like Stanley.

2. What does the warden tell Mr. Pendanski that he is doing wrong after she has brought blood on one of the boys?
(a) Not working them hard enough.
(b) Working them too hard.
(c) Giving them too many breaks.
(d) Giving them too much water.

3. What does Mr. Sir have in his mouth when he meets Stanley?
(a) False teeth.
(b) Sunflower seeds.
(c) Gum.
(d) Cigar.

4. Why does Stanley decide to make the deal with X-Ray to give him anything he finds?
(a) Because Stanley is afraid of X-Ray.
(b) Because X-Ray is the leader of the boys.
(c) Because Stanley and X-Ray are friends.
(d) Because Stanley and X-Ray want to know what what the warden wants.

5. Who does the warden have fill the canteens after Mr. Pendanski hesitated?
(a) Stanley.
(b) Zero.
(c) Mr. Sir.
(d) X-Ray.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Mr. Sir do when Stanley comes to have his canteen filled with water?

2. What does Stanley pretend Camp Green Lake is to make it more enjoyable?

3. Who did something to Stanley's hole while Stanley was away talking with the warden?

4. What is not true about the yellow-spotted lizards?

5. What does a boy comment on that makes Mr. Sir angry and results in Mr. Sir physically abusing the boy?

Short Essay Questions

1. Explain what the routine is like at Camp Green Lake.

2. How does Stanley handle the fact that he is going to Camp Green Lake?

3. Describe the shovels and the reason that the kids are given the shovels at Camp Green Lake.

4. What does Stanley find while digging on his second day?

5. What does Mr. Pendanski tell the boys during their counseling time in Part 1?

6. What does Stanley begin to notice changing in himself by Part 1, Chapter 17?

7. What does the warden do to Mr. Pendanski while at the dig site?

8. How does Stanley's first day of digging go?

9. What does Zero want from Stanley?

10. What does X-Ray tell Stanley after Stanley has shown his fossil fish to Mr. Pendanski?

(see the answer keys)

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