Holes Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

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Holes Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 1: Chapters 23, 24, 25, and 26.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Stanley decide not to go to the warden directly with what he finds in a hole on the third day of digging?
(a) He doesn't trust the warden.
(b) He is afraid of X-Ray.
(c) He doesn't believe the warden will find it interesting.
(d) He had made a blood pact with X-Ray.

2. What does Zero tell Mr. Pendanski when asked what he wants to do with his life?
(a) He wants to be president.
(b) He likes to dig holes.
(c) He wants to be a policeman.
(d) He tells Mr. Pendanski to shut up.

3. What does Stanley nearly step on while walking back to the dig site after Mr. Sir took him to get in trouble with the warden?
(a) A pile of money.
(b) A rattlesnake.
(c) A scorpion.
(d) A yellow-spotted Lizard.

4. What does X-Ray do the next morning when Stanley tries to talk about the objective he found digging on the third day?
(a) X-Ray ignores Stanley.
(b) X-Ray says he has lost the object.
(c) X-Ray hits Stanley.
(d) X-Ray pulls Stanley to a secret place to talk.

5. Why did Madam Zeroni try to dissuade Elya from trying to marry Myra Menke?
(a) Myra was silly and shallow.
(b) Mrya was rich and self-absorbed.
(c) Myra was too old for Elya
(d) Myra was ugly and has a lisp.

Short Answer Questions

1. Mr. Sir has a tattoo of ________.

2. What happened to Barf Bag, aka Lewis, the boy who had previously occupied Stanley's cot?

3. What did Sarah sing to her son Stanley after he was born?

4. What surprises Stanley when he sees the warden for the first time?

5. What does the warden tell Mr. Pendanski that he is doing wrong after she has brought blood on one of the boys?

(see the answer key)

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