H.M.S. Surprise Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

H.M.S. Surprise Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What consumes all of Aubrey's time while the H.M.S. Surprise is anchored at Bombay?
(a) He helps Maturin with business.
(b) He searches for Diana.
(c) He takes a vacation.
(d) He supervises refitting the ship.

2. What affect does the heat and exposure on St. Paul's Rocks have on Stephen Maturin.
(a) He becomes depressed.
(b) His health deteriorates.
(c) He begins to experience hallucinations.
(d) He regains his health.

3. What two men occasionally play music on the ship during the voyage to India?
(a) Stanhope and Atkins.
(b) Mr. White and Pullings.
(c) Aubrey and Maturin.
(d) Two of the crew,

4. Among the vessels of Linois, which is the most imposing to Aubrey?
(a) H.M.S. Lively.
(b) Berceau.
(c) Marengo.
(d) China fleet's flagship.

5. In the sixth chapter, a second violent storm does what kind of damage to the H.M.S. Surprise?
(a) The ship is undamaged.
(b) Two sails are torn.
(c) All the rigging is lost.
(d) Destruction of the foremost.

Short Answer Questions

1. What gift does the Seringapatam's captain make to Jack Aubrey?

2. In chapter six, how long is Maturin on the rocky islets?

3. What diet addition helps the crew of the H.M.S. Surprise combat scurvy?

4. Who surprises Maturin and Diana with an early arrival?

5. What is Maturin's understanding of Stanhope's deteriorating health?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does the East India Company reward Aubrey and the the East India Company?

2. How do you describe Stanhope and his entourage from the stand point of the H.M.S. Surprise crew?

3. What is Maturin's reaction to Dil's death?

4. What do his interactions with Dil and Diana in chapter seven suggest about Maturin's view of his role with women?

5. Why is Stephen Maturin so visibly upset when he returns to the H.M.S. Surprise in chapter eight?

6. Why does Maturin's desired outcome for Canning not come to pass?

7. What is Maturin's goal at the duel?

8. How effective is Maturin's solution for Stanhope's health after the convulsing?

9. Why is Babbinton's promotion only considered an acting appointment?

10. Why are Mr. Ahmed Smyth and Atkins at odds with one another?

(see the answer keys)

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