H.M.S. Surprise Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

H.M.S. Surprise Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Maturin not go to see Diana when he first finds out where she lives in Bombay?
(a) She is out of town.
(b) He cannot find the street.
(c) Her lover Canning is at home.
(d) He is anxious about her reaction.

2. What personal tragedy recently happens to the captain of the Seringapatam?
(a) He is told he must retire.
(b) He loses a brother in a battle with the French.
(c) His wife leaves him.
(d) His wife dies.

3. Who is waiting for Maturin at his lodging when Maturin returns from meeting with Diana?
(a) Bonden.
(b) Dil's father.
(c) Aubrey.
(d) Pullings.

4. What is the general attitude towards Mr. Atkins?
(a) Maturin likes and respects Atkins.
(b) Only Stanhope likes Atkins.
(c) Only Aubrey befriends Atkins.
(d) The crew members like Atkins.

5. What does Maturin do to at least partly ease his conscience about Dil's murder?
(a) He promises to help Dil's siblings.
(b) He sends money to Diana to have Dil's body buried.
(c) He pays for Dil's funeral.
(d) He sends money to Dil's family.

6. In Bombay, does Maturin's logic convince Aubrey that he should not worry about Sophie's impressions?
(a) Aubrey decides not to worry.
(b) Mr. White explains Maturin's logic.
(c) Aubrey is not convinced.
(d) Aubrey does not understand Maturin.

7. What animal does Maturin catch on the coast of Brazil?
(a) Albatross.
(b) Sloth.
(c) Monkey.
(d) A new species of crab.

8. What does Maturin think of this visit to the foretop?
(a) He is too depressed to enjoy the view.
(b) He is afraid of heights.
(c) He is unimpressed with the view.
(d) It is beautiful and he plans to return often.

9. How prosperous is the China fleet?
(a) They are carrying about three million pounds sterling.
(b) The goods are valued at six million pounds sterling.
(c) They have cargo totaling one million pounds sterling.
(d) They have goods and cash worth about six hundred pounds sterling.

10. Who surprises Maturin and Diana with an early arrival?
(a) Dil.
(b) Canning.
(c) Stanhope.
(d) Bonden.

11. What new symptoms does Stanhope display after leaving Bombay?
(a) He loses his sight.
(b) He develops a rash.
(c) He vomits blood and convulses.
(d) He succumbs to scurvy.

12. What diet addition helps the crew of the H.M.S. Surprise combat scurvy?
(a) More salt.
(b) Fresh vegetables and citrus fruit.
(c) Calcium in cheese.
(d) More protein.

13. What is the intended use of the gift Jack Aubrey accepts on behalf of Sophie from the captain of the Seringapatam?
(a) Money from selling the treasure is to pay off debts.
(b) The pearls are for a necklace.
(c) The bird's plumage is for a fancy hat.
(d) The sword is to hang above a fireplace.

14. What two men occasionally play music on the ship during the voyage to India?
(a) Two of the crew,
(b) Stanhope and Atkins.
(c) Aubrey and Maturin.
(d) Mr. White and Pullings.

15. Who is fatally injured during the duel in chapter ten?
(a) M'Alister.
(b) Aubrey.
(c) Etherege.
(d) Canning.

Short Answer Questions

1. What ideas does Aubrey take from his time with the China fleet?

2. Is Stanhope the only passenger on the H.M.S. Surprise who suffers from seasickness?

3. Atkins and Stanhope are lectured about sailing by what man?

4. What relationship, if any, does Aubrey have with the captain of the Seringapatam?

5. What maneuvering is involved in getting Maturin and his patient to their destination?

(see the answer keys)

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