High Tide in Tucson: Essays from Now or Never Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

High Tide in Tucson: Essays from Now or Never Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was unique about Haleakala?
(a) The restaurant served fish that only lived in the lake in that volcano.
(b) The road was extremely windy.
(c) The beach had pink sand.
(d) The volcano created its own climate.

2. What is the Heard Museum a center for?
(a) Spanish-American history.
(b) Manifest Destiny.
(c) Native American culture.
(d) Pioneer culture.

3. Why were Barbara Kingsolver's friends jealous of her book tour?
(a) She was going to be rich.
(b) She was getting to see the U.S.
(c) She was traveling first class.
(d) She was going to be famous.

4. What is Barbara Kingsolver sure Americans don't know about Iraq and Kuwait?
(a) That they provide our Americans' oil.
(b) That they are in the Middle East.
(c) That they have oppressive governments.
(d) That they are American allies.

5. Where does Barbara Kingsolver say she is questioned most?
(a) Her non-fiction.
(b) Her essays.
(c) Her poetry.
(d) Her fiction.

6. What did fans write to give Barbara Kingsolver?
(a) Pictures of their children.
(b) Suggestions for books.
(c) Recipes.
(d) Gifts.

7. Whose work was Barbara Kingsolver reading during this work?
(a) Thoreau.
(b) Gertrude Stein.
(c) T. S. Eliot.
(d) Faulkner.

8. What was Barbara Kingsolver told during protests?
(a) Better dead than red.
(b) Honk for peace.
(c) Hug a tree.
(d) Love America or leave it.

9. What drew Barbara Kingsolver and her second husband together?
(a) He was her editor.
(b) She got pregnant.
(c) Love of nature.
(d) Political activism.

10. What instrument was Barbara Kingsolver asked to play in a band?
(a) Flute.
(b) Keyboard.
(c) Violin.
(d) Trombone.

11. What makes writing rewarding for Barbara Kingsolver?
(a) Persistence.
(b) Rhythm.
(c) Poetry.
(d) Talent.

12. What did Barbara Kingsolver expect would take her away from the band?
(a) Her daughter.
(b) Journalism assignments.
(c) Book tour.
(d) Illness.

13. Why were the Titan Missiles decommissioned, in Barbara Kingsolver's account?
(a) They were inaccurate.
(b) They malfunctioned.
(c) They leaked radiation.
(d) They were obsolete.

14. How was Barbara Kingsolver greeted in Africa?
(a) 'Go home, American'.
(b) 'Hello, white person'.
(c) 'Hey lady, buy this from me'.
(d) 'Hello pretty lady'.

15. Which of these things did Barbara Kingsolver NOT remember when she took Camille to visit her childhood home?
(a) Catching crawfish.
(b) Putting on plays.
(c) Catching birds build nests.
(d) Collecting leaves to press.

Short Answer Questions

1. What conclusion does Barbara Kingsolver reach about activism?

2. What was Barbara Kingsolver inspired by, in this writer?

3. What did Barbara Kingsolver and her daughter make at the Museum?

4. How does Barbara Kingsolver characterize the effect of 'Silence of the Lambs'?

5. What was Horse Lick Creek threatened by, when Barbara Kingsolver visited?

(see the answer keys)

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