High Tide in Tucson: Essays from Now or Never Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

High Tide in Tucson: Essays from Now or Never Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where did Barbara Kingsolver settle in her travels?
(a) Sardinia.
(b) Iceland.
(c) Crete.
(d) Tenerife.

2. What does anthropologist Adrienne Zihlman say about the African savannah?
(a) That it was the most important environment for human development.
(b) That it was the most hostile environment humans could have encountered at that stage of development.
(c) That it was the place where human development was first tested.
(d) That it created a certain kind of human creature, but the development would have been different in other environments.

3. What does Barbara Kingsolver say people feel about children in the place where the family lived in Camille's fourth year?
(a) Disregard.
(b) Indifference.
(c) Affection.
(d) Disdain.

4. Parents have to strike a balance between boundaries and what, in Barbara Kingsolver's opinion?
(a) Blinding themselves to behavior.
(b) Bondage.
(c) Blowouts.
(d) Browbeating.

5. What did one boy compare Barbara Kingsolver to in high school?
(a) Madame Curie.
(b) The creature from the Black Lagoon.
(c) Bride of Frankenstein.
(d) Cinderella.

6. How does Barbara Kingsolver characterize the difference between mothering now and when she was a child?
(a) Mothers today tend to work outside the home.
(b) Mothers today are more likely to be teachers.
(c) Mothers today pay more attention to the children.
(d) Mothers today are less likely to be head of the household.

7. How does Barbara Kingsolver characterize the mating ritual of the octopus?
(a) Loving.
(b) Repetitive.
(c) Violent.
(d) Accidental.

8. What news did Barbara Kingsolver get on the day she brought her first daughter home?
(a) That her mother was furious about the book she had written.
(b) That her mother had died.
(c) That her book would be published.
(d) That her book was getting good reviews.

9. What example does Barbara Kingsolver give us, to justify her characterization of her physique?
(a) She didn't break 100 pounds until the end of high school.
(b) She could not break 8 minutes for running a mile.
(c) She had to be carried up and down stairs.
(d) She had to shop in the men's section by high school.

10. How long ago did Barbara Kingsolver vacation in the Bahamas?
(a) Six months.
(b) Two years.
(c) A year.
(d) A month.

11. What made Barbara Kingsolver think that the creature was dead?
(a) He would not appear to breathe.
(b) He smelled like he was decaying.
(c) He would get very cold.
(d) He would not move for days on end.

12. What evidence does Stephen Jay Gould say George Morton ignored in his measurements?
(a) Relative skull and body sizes.
(b) Evolutionary pressures on early human populations.
(c) Cultural influences on bone formations.
(d) Geological origin of specimens.

13. What would Barbara Kingsolver wear to school?
(a) Outlandish costumes.
(b) Expensive designer clothing.
(c) Hand-me-downs.
(d) Boy's clothing.

14. What was uncommon about the beach where Barbara Kingsolver collected stones and shells?
(a) Pink sand.
(b) Tall waves.
(c) Unique species of crabs.
(d) Black sand.

15. What issues does Barbara Kingsolver say she learned about through the librarian?
(a) Militarism.
(b) Feminism.
(c) Abortion.
(d) Racism.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was Camille told every day when she was four?

2. What does Barbara Kingsolver say worked against her in high school?

3. When did Barbara Kingsolver decide to move to Tucson?

4. What other developments does Barbara Kingsolver say resulted from hunting?

5. For what occasion does Barbara Kingsolver say she bought an expensive, chic outfit?

(see the answer keys)

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