High Five Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

High Five Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Stephanie park the Buick?
(a) In front of Ranger's house.
(b) A parking high rise.
(c) The garage.
(d) In front of Morelli's house.

2. Why isn't Shermsky not at the bank?
(a) He is at a meeting in downtown Trenton.
(b) He has gone home sick.
(c) He is at the gym.
(d) He is at the police station.

3. What color is the Porsche Ranger presents to Stephanie?
(a) Blue.
(b) Red.
(c) Bright yellow.
(d) Black.

4. What sideswipes Stephanie's Porsche?
(a) A garbage truck.
(b) A hit man.
(c) Rameriz.
(d) A school bus.

5. How does Briggs threaten Vinnie?
(a) By having his lawyer write a letter.
(b) With a gun.
(c) To sue him.
(d) With a tire iron.

6. Who does Stephanie ask for advice about keeping the car Ranger gives her?
(a) Her grandmother.
(b) Briggs.
(c) Mary Lou.
(d) Her mother.

7. Who does Stephanie call for a ride?
(a) Lula.
(b) Vinnie.
(c) Her mother.
(d) Ranger.

8. What does Stephanie learn at her mother's house?
(a) Nothing new.
(b) That Ranger visited them yesterday.
(c) That Bunchy is related to Terry.
(d) That Morelli visited them yesterday.

9. What saves Stephanie?
(a) Lula is coming out of Stephanie's apartment and hits the man with her purse.
(b) A neighbor fires a gun.
(c) Morelli arrives at the right moment.
(d) Ranger had followed her to tell her something else.

10. Where does Stephanie see Rameriz?
(a) In Ranger's vehicle.
(b) In the grocery store.
(c) Outside her bedroom window.
(d) Outside the courthouse.

11. What check does Stephanie pick up?
(a) Her tax return check.
(b) A rebate check from a purchase Stephanie makes.
(c) A loan from her mother.
(d) The one to the cable company.

12. What does Stephanie do after she goes to Morelli's house?
(a) Goes to confront Ranger.
(b) Goes to confront Rameriz.
(c) Eats a whole bag of candy.
(d) Takes a nap.

13. Where does Stephanie spy Shempsky?
(a) In the airport bar.
(b) At the departure gate.
(c) At the ticket counter.
(d) At a toll booth.

14. About what theories does Stephanie tell Morelli?
(a) Her uncle's disappearance.
(b) Morelli's attraction to Terry.
(c) Rameriz's hostililty.
(d) Brigg's identity as a numbers runner.

15. Who does Stephanie want to invite over after the excitement of the arrest dies down?
(a) Ranger.
(b) She cannot decide between Ranger and Morelli.
(c) Either Ranger or Morelli, whichever is not busy.
(d) Morelli

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Stephanie think when he sees a picture of Lipinski's wife?

2. Why does Ranger say the car is that color?

3. Who recognizes Shempsky as the man Fred was with on the day Fred dies?

4. What is the case upon which Morelli is working?

5. What does Stephanie do when she spies Shempsky?

(see the answer keys)

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