Hide & Seek: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Hide & Seek: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Norma decide her best strategy is?
(a) To tell the truth.
(b) To approach the prosecutor.
(c) To wait for a verdict.
(d) To approach the judge.

2. Where is the premiere after party held?
(a) The British Tea Room
(b) The English Tea Room
(c) The Russian Tea Room
(d) The Spanish Tea Room

3. What won't Maggie tell her own team?
(a) Why she didn't call police.
(b) Why she won't see Allie in jail.
(c) Why she shot Will.
(d) Why she married Will.

4. Who looked after the Lake Club grounds?
(a) J. C. Crafter.
(b) J.F. Crazure.
(c) C.F. Fraser.
(d) J.C. Frazier.

5. What movie does Will get the lead in?
(a) Primerose.
(b) Paper rose.
(c) Primrose.
(d) Pink rose.

6. What kind of car did Peter O'Malley arrive in?
(a) A Rolls Royce.
(b) A Porsche.
(c) A Maserati.
(d) A Bugati.

7. Why does Peter claim Maggie killed Will?
(a) She was bored.
(b) His Lake Club after hours entertainment.
(c) She was tired of him.
(d) She was afraid of him.

8. How many tickets were requested?
(a) A hundred thousand.
(b) Three hundred thousand.
(c) Eighty thousand.
(d) Over five hundred thousand.

9. Who does Norma go to see at the Lake Club?
(a) J.C. Frazier.
(b) Palmer.
(c) Nathan.
(d) Peter.

10. What acronym do Maggie and her children have for themselves?
(a) AMJ.
(b) MAJ.
(c) AJM.
(d) JAM.

11. Who was the lawyer that came to see Maggie about Patrick's will?
(a) Norman Ballyford.
(b) Ned Beckford.
(c) Nester Baldford.
(d) Nathan Bailford.

12. How long is it before Suzanne can act again?
(a) Eight months.
(b) A year.
(c) Six months.
(d) Ten months.

13. Where does the specially trained guard come from for Maggie?
(a) New York City.
(b) New Jersey.
(c) New Denver.
(d) New Hampshire.

14. Who does Will run into after hours at the Lake Club?
(a) Winnie.
(b) Barry.
(c) Peter.
(d) Maggie.

15. What does Will tell Palmer at first when Palmer arrives at his Rio hotel room and sees all the blood?
(a) He got a paper cut.
(b) He missed with a knife.
(c) He had an accident.
(d) He cut himself shaving.

Short Answer Questions

1. What won't Jennie let the prosecutor do?

2. What does he show her?

3. What does Maggie refuse to do?

4. Where did Maggie and Will meet for their first 'date'?

5. Where did Maggie go to talk to a psychiatrist about Jennie's school performance of late?

(see the answer keys)

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