The Hero with a Thousand Faces Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Hero with a Thousand Faces Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The first task of the man-hero is to break down the ____________ to union with God.
(a) Emotional barriers
(b) Physical barriers
(c) Familial discontent
(d) Stereotypical obstacles

2. What does Campbell quote at length in this section?
(a) Kata Vata
(b) Kretilan verse
(c) Kalevala
(d) Scandanavian bedtime stories

3. In reference to the Hero, Campbell writes, "...the Law lives in him with his unreserved __________."
(a) Truth
(b) Balance
(c) Peace
(d) Consent

4. About Mary: "....her womb, remaining fallow as the primordial abyss, summons to itself...the original power that fertilized the _______."
(a) Human race
(b) Void
(c) Space
(d) World

5. What is the simple answer to why the Hero would want to return to a world after his journey?
(a) It's impossible to avoid.
(b) It's part of the book.
(c) There is no simple answer.
(d) It's necessary.

6. When does the human being in question become at one with the source of human energy during this pattern of #140?
(a) Deep sleep/dreamless experience
(b) Death
(c) Birth
(d) Marriage

7. The future of each life is contained in the various manifestations of the _____________.
(a) Heroes
(b) Myths
(c) Universal goddess
(d) Stories

8. The Hero's reward is to live without __________ to the world and to daily life.
(a) Attachment
(b) Commitment
(c) Frustration
(d) Conflict

9. Since _____ can be dangerous, Campbell suggests this is why it is marked by detailed, mythically grounded prayer.
(a) Faith
(b) Birth
(c) Life
(d) Death

10. What is the purpose of baptism, at least on its surface?
(a) Help the church recognize that person
(b) Bring person into the church
(c) Create a fresh start
(d) Wash away original sin

11. When myths are reinterpreted from older times to modern times, the link between the perspectives is ___________.
(a) Strengthened
(b) Dissolved
(c) Unaffected
(d) Made clear

12. What is one way, Campbell suggests, humans can use to separate themselves from their outer layers and connect with spirit?
(a) Fasting
(b) Hallucinogens
(c) Prayer
(d) Meditation

13. The Hero is free to live because he has lived true _________.
(a) Peace
(b) Freedom
(c) Meaning
(d) Understanding

14. The goal is an ultimate reunion between physical and _________ worlds.
(a) Christian
(b) Mythological
(c) Spiritual
(d) Psychological

15. Over time, the ______ myths have evolved to incorporate symbols and meanings more relevant to those who hear them.
(a) Relevant
(b) Worthwhile
(c) Core
(d) Popular

Short Answer Questions

1. "The aim is not to _______, but to realize that one is, that essence."

2. The process through which humanity emerges and returns to that from which it emerged is called the ______ cycle.

3. What does Campbell attempt to show relates within mythology?

4. Whenever the poetry of myth is interpreted as is ________.

5. What is the second effect of the cosmogonic emanations of universal power?

(see the answer keys)

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