The Hero with a Thousand Faces Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Hero with a Thousand Faces Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Within the case studies, Campbell introduces in this section, the ________ is challenged, must struggle, and must survive.
(a) Hero
(b) Woman
(c) Dreamer
(d) Man

2. What is the term for experiences, ideas, or beliefs that differ in species from individual to individual and culture to culture, but which in their broadest outlines manifest basic human truths?
(a) Dreams
(b) Inexhaustible energies
(c) Journeys
(d) Archetypes

3. How many types of journeys are available when the Hero decides to return?
(a) One
(b) Three
(c) Two
(d) Four

4. The first section of this chapter is "The Crossing of the _________ Threshold."
(a) Meaningless
(b) Most Important
(c) First
(d) Only

5. What does Campbell say are used to signify and to assist in the breaking of the attachment to one's parent?
(a) Gifts
(b) Rituals
(c) Arguments
(d) Dreams

6. What flows from this central area, as Campbell describes?
(a) Understanding
(b) Peace
(c) Truth
(d) Beauty

7. Many Hero characters discover new _________ inside that which swallowed them.
(a) Mysteries
(b) Physical worlds
(c) Spiritual texts
(d) Gifts

8. The Hero encounters a series of ______ that must be overcome in order for his journey to continue.
(a) Riddles
(b) Challenges
(c) Mountains
(d) Tests

9. The Hero must get rid of his own sense of ____ in order to become cleansed and humbled.
(a) The world
(b) His life
(c) Self
(d) Understanding

10. What is NOT a symbol of this central item, as referenced in #25 and #26?
(a) Mountain
(b) Tree
(c) Whale
(d) Fountain

11. What might the Hero be known as?
(a) The ultimate archetype
(b) The answer to the world's problems
(c) The weak child
(d) The classic protagonist

12. Who is the main archetypal character that Campbell reveals as being at the center of myths and stories?
(a) The Mover
(b) The Victor
(c) The God
(d) The Hero

13. Who is the central figure in the second example offered by Campbell, in relation to this person encountering a series of obstacles and is aided by a wise old man along the way?
(a) Female musician
(b) Female accountant
(c) Male philosopher
(d) Male alcoholic

14. Throughout all myths and stories of the world, there is a central _______.
(a) Image
(b) Truth
(c) Moral
(d) Idea

15. What kind of maiden exposes herself to danger in a quest for porcupine quills?
(a) Navajo
(b) Arapaho
(c) Iroquois
(d) Sioux

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is the figure that returns with the Ten Commandments?

2. Who has surpassing beauty or surpassing ugliness?

3. In "Supernatural Aid," what does Campbell suggest these types of figures are....

4. _________ thus asserts that all reality emerges from a transcendent, universal, sub-conscious and ultimately unknowable truth.

5. What is the princess initially playing with in the fairy tale?

(see the answer keys)

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