Heretics of Dune Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 97 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Heretics of Dune Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 97 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who did Odrade know would come to Rakis?
(a) Waff.
(b) Taraza.
(c) Teg.
(d) Bellonda.

2. Who was Taraza's night proctor in her childhood?
(a) Schwangyu.
(b) Sister Baram.
(c) Lady Jessica.
(d) Bellonda.

3. What does the official observer carry?
(a) An ink pen.
(b) A probe.
(c) A calculator.
(d) A datacase.

4. What does Teg recognize about the building he meets the regional commander in?
(a) It is a school.
(b) It is a bank.
(c) It is a bar.
(d) It is a hospital.

5. What does Odrade tell Taraza the ghola must remember from earlier lives?
(a) His own death.
(b) His birth.
(c) His imprinting.
(d) His loyalty to the Sisterhood.

6. What does Odrade tell Sheeana to say when she is scared?
(a) The Litany Against Fear.
(b) A Bible verse.
(c) A prayer.
(d) The Atreides Manifesto.

7. How long has Chapter House Planet been in existence?
(a) Fourteen hundred years.
(b) Four hundred years.
(c) Fourteen years.
(d) Fourteen million years.

8. What helps renews Taraza's balance after her confrontation with Bellonda?
(a) Taking tea.
(b) Talking to Odrade.
(c) Eating her dinner.
(d) Watching her sisters.

9. Teg recalls Taraza telling him to trust no one that WHO can influence?
(a) Tleilaxu.
(b) Face Dancers.
(c) Whores.
(d) Priests.

10. Who has been looking for Teg to protect him after he escapes his captors?
(a) Burzmali.
(b) Lucilla.
(c) Farmers.
(d) Duncan.

11. Where does Teg sit during Duncan's training at the no-globe?
(a) In the library.
(b) In the ceiling.
(c) On the floor.
(d) A console cage.

12. Why do Odrade and the rest take Murbella with them?
(a) She is hurt.
(b) She is a Reverend Mother.
(c) She is pregnant.
(d) She brainwashes them.

13. What knowledge does Murbella discover Duncan possesses?
(a) The Atreides Manifesto.
(b) The Bene Gesserit sexual power.
(c) His previous lives.
(d) The Honored Matres sexual power.

14. When does the Fremen day begin?
(a) At noon.
(b) In the afternoon.
(c) In the morning.
(d) At night.

15. Who does Odrade tell Taraza Sheeana speaks to?
(a) Tuek.
(b) Waff.
(c) Duncan.
(d) The Tyrant.

Short Answer Questions

1. What word does Odrade remembers means the cloud darkness at the end of the universe?

2. Who does Teg arrange a rendezvous with for them to leave the no-globe?

3. How long have people been hunting Teg after he escapes capture?

4. Who does Taraza send looking for Teg?

5. What city does Teg head to after he escapes capture?

(see the answer keys)

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