King Henry V Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 182 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

King Henry V Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 182 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Henry have to return to France?
(a) He needs to discuss affairs of state with the Dauphin, who is too ill to travel.
(b) The citizens of France want to overthrow the monarchy.
(c) The Emperor of Rome cannot negotiate peace.
(d) He is ready to marry Katherine.

2. Which character suggests that if they do not follow him back into battle to die with honor, they may as well allow a slave to have access to their daughters?
(a) Orleans.
(b) The Constable.
(c) Bourbon.
(d) The Dauphin.

3. The constable says the English "have said their prayers, and they stay for __________."
(a) Seeing us (the French) die.
(b) No one.
(c) Their king.
(d) Death.

4. What does Pistol ask the boy to help him do with the French soldier?
(a) Tie him up.
(b) Move his body.
(c) Treat his injury.
(d) Act as interpreter.

5. Who does Williams strike when he sees him wearing his glove in his cap?
(a) Gower.
(b) Warwick.
(c) Henry.
(d) Fluellen.

6. Henry, who is in disguise, tells Williams and Bates that "Every subject's duty is the king's, but every subject's _________ is his own."
(a) Soul.
(b) Money.
(c) Life.
(d) Opinion.

7. What do the constable and Orleans begin to do after commenting on the Dauphin's valor (or lack thereof)?
(a) Exchange well-known proverbs.
(b) Notice an approaching messenger and begin to speculate on what he will say.
(c) Begin to talk about other members of the French court who have exhibited the characteristic of valor.
(d) Call the Dauphin vulgar names.

8. Who does Gower suspect had murdered the boys and stolen and burned the king's possessions?
(a) Escaped criminals from a nearby prison.
(b) French soldiers.
(c) Soldiers who had run from the battle.
(d) The king himself in order to arouse the rage of his own soldiers against the French.

9. What amusing mispronunciation of a famous historical figure does Fluellen make when he is speaking with Gower?
(a) Julius Cheeser.
(b) Attila the Nun.
(c) The Queen of Sheepah.
(d) Alexander the Pig.

10. Who does Bourbon say will "take order now"?
(a) The French army.
(b) No one.
(c) The devil.
(d) God.

11. Henry notes that the day of the battle is the feast day of __________.
(a) St. Patrick.
(b) St. George.
(c) Epiphany.
(d) Crispian.

12. What does the constable say he will take as he rides to the battlefield?
(a) Some food to give the starving Englishmen.
(b) An extra sword.
(c) A banner from a trumpet.
(d) Ropes to tie up all the prisoners he will capture.

13. Henry states that if it is a sin to __________, then he is the most offending soul alive.
(a) Betray a friend.
(b) Covet honor.
(c) Kill one's enemies.
(d) Covet gold.

14. What puts an end to Williams' and Fluellen's argument over money?
(a) Exeter tells them to go settle the matter with swords.
(b) A herald arrives with the battle's death count.
(c) Williams says he will accept Fluellen's money if that will make him happy.
(d) Henry demands that they be quiet.

15. To whom or what does Henry credit with winning the battle while losing relatively few men?
(a) God.
(b) French arrogance.
(c) The loyalty of his men.
(d) Superior strategy.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Fluellen force Pistol to do or he will continue to beat him?

2. Grandpre says that this Roman god appears to be bankrupt because of the English soldiers' haggard appearance:

3. What is the amount that the French soldier offers Pistol to spare his life?

4. What does Henry tell Exeter to do with Williams' glove?

5. What does Montjoy request of Henry on behalf of France after the battle of Agincourt?

(see the answer keys)

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