Hell House Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Hell House Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What appears after the bell on the table rings?
(a) The face of a devil.
(b) A small, indefinable ball of light.
(c) A figure reaching for Edith.
(d) A screaming, writhing apparition.

2. During Lionel's tests on Florence, what happens when the temperature drops?
(a) The bells all begin to ring.
(b) The cat screeches, terrifying everyone.
(c) Wisps of viscous matter appear on Florence's fingertips.
(d) All of the answers are correct.

3. How long has Hell House sat empty?
(a) Thirty years.
(b) Ten years.
(c) Thirteen years.
(d) Three years.

4. Florence refuses to go into the chapel. What other room does she avoid?
(a) Wine cellar.
(b) Basement.
(c) Root cellar.
(d) Attic.

5. What is the first problem the group runs into in Hell House?
(a) The bedrooms are all locked.
(b) There is no running water.
(c) The house is unbearably cold.
(d) The electricity does not work.

6. What happens when Ben offers Edith his sweater?
(a) She takes the sweater and puts it on.
(b) She begins to take her clothes off.
(c) She yells at him and hits him.
(d) She takes the drink from his hand and swallows it.

7. What does Lionel place in Florence's lap during his testing?
(a) A cat.
(b) A bible.
(c) A crucifix.
(d) A glass bowl.

8. What happens during the argument between Florence and Lionel?
(a) A thunderous voice yells, "Stop!"
(b) Lionel throws a fork at Ben.
(c) Edith tries to get between them and gets hurt.
(d) Dishes begin flying around the room.

9. Why does Lionel insist Edith do a full body search on Florence?
(a) Because Lionel is not able to do it himself.
(b) To make sure Florence has no devil's marks on her.
(c) To try to make Florence uncomfortable.
(d) To make sure Florence hasn't secreted anything to use as a trick.

10. What does Florence hear when she gets out of the shower in Part Three?
(a) Otherworldly singing.
(b) A ghostly voice
(c) A screeching cat.
(d) Footsteps.

11. What does Ben say the fog was to Emeric Belasco?
(a) A hindrance.
(b) Sunshine.
(c) Magical.
(d) Pea soup.

12. What illness did Lionel have when he was twelve?
(a) Influenza..
(b) Polio.
(c) Measles.
(d) Scarlet fever.

13. What does William vow to do if Deutsch convinces the group to accept his offer?
(a) Make Deutsch's life miserable.
(b) Sell Hell House.
(c) Join the team.
(d) Block their efforts and payment.

14. As the group begins to explore the house, what makes Florence feel ill?
(a) The artwork.
(b) The atmosphere.
(c) The rats.
(d) The smell.

15. What does Ben find written on a piece of cardboard in the kitchen?
(a) An "X" with a circle around it.
(b) An unsigned suicide note.
(c) A quickly scrawled admonition to get out of the house.
(d) An ancient menu.

Short Answer Questions

1. For how long was Fischer in a coma?

2. What is Florence Tanner's professional title?

3. How long does Florence Tanner say she will be gone?

4. What do Florence and Ben find after going down a set of stairs when they first start exploring the house together?

5. Why are there no windows in Hell House?

(see the answer keys)

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