The Heidi Chronicles Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Heidi Chronicles Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where is Heidi speaking at the beginning of Act 2, Scene 4?
(a) Peter's medical association.
(b) Feminist group meeting.
(c) Luncheon for her high school alumni association.
(d) Scoop's staff.

2. What does Heidi prefer that an artist do?
(a) Display her work in a gallery.
(b) Not paint unless she is talented.
(c) Lose her edge in favor of paint and light.
(d) Paint landscape.

3. What year does Act 2, Scene 4 take place in?
(a) 1986.
(b) 1981.
(c) 1994.
(d) 1984.

4. What has Heidi done professionally since Lisa and Scoop's wedding?
(a) Heidi is dean of an art school.
(b) Heidi becomes a museum curator.
(c) Published a book of essays to great reviews.
(d) Married and divorced.

5. What are Heidi's feelings toward other women in Act 2, Scene 4?
(a) Heidi has lost patience with other women's choices.
(b) Heidi feels sorry for other women.
(c) Heidi feels in constant competition with other women.
(d) Heidi feels dislike for other women.

6. What happens during the TV interview in Scene 2?
(a) Heidi runs the interview.
(b) Scoop shares confidential information.
(c) Peter announces he is gay.
(d) Scoop and Peter take over and steal the show.

7. What does Heidi say about feminism during this presentation?
(a) That it is a lost cause.
(b) That men should participate in the journey.
(c) The point of feminism is that no woman should ever feel stranded.
(d) That feminism is for social equality.

8. Who is left alone on the set as Act 2, Scene 2 is ending?
(a) Peter.
(b) Susan.
(c) Lisa.
(d) Scoop.

9. What will Heidi be doing after she moves?
(a) Working as a consultant.
(b) Teaching.
(c) Getting married.
(d) Writing a book.

10. What happens with Heidi's romantic relationship in Europe?
(a) He follows her to the United States.
(b) She is engaged, but the engagement is broken.
(c) Heidi becomes pregnant.
(d) They move in together.

11. What else is Heidi discontented with in the Prologue to Act 2?
(a) Peter's move to San Diego.
(b) Scoop's marriage to Lisa.
(c) Direction of feminism in pop culture.
(d) Heidi's new romantic interest.

12. What does Scoop try to do at the end of Act 2, Scene 2?
(a) Chase Heidi out the door.
(b) Tries to ask April out for lunch.
(c) Tries unsuccessfully to talk to Peter.
(d) Invite the two to have lunch with him.

13. What is the agenda of this lunch between Heidi and her friend in Act 2, Scene 3?
(a) To ask Heidi to be a consultant for Susan's new show.
(b) To ask Heidi to consider a blind date.
(c) To ask Heidi to move to California.
(d) To ask Heidi to talk to Scoop.

14. How does Heidi hope to escape loneliness?
(a) Through her relationship with Scoop.
(b) Through her relationship with Peter.
(c) Through solidaritiy with other women.
(d) By getting a dog.

15. What is the topic of Heidi's speech during Act 2, Scene 4?
(a) "Women, what about our past?"
(b) "Women, are we doing any good?"
(c) "Women, where are we going?"
(d) "Women, when are we giving up?

Short Answer Questions

1. Based on her friend's reaction at the end of Act 2, Scene 5, what does Heidi decide to do?

2. What is Susan's next career move in Act 2, Scene 1?

3. What song is playing in the background as Act 2, Scene 1 opens?

4. In Act 2, Scene 3, how does Heidi differ from her luncheon partner/friend?

5. What decision does Heidi make regarding the new show?

(see the answer keys)

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