Heat and Dust Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Heat and Dust Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the narrator compare Maji to in her August 31st journal entry?
(a) A bitter, but healing, medicine.
(b) A desert flower.
(c) A Hindu God.
(d) A loving mother.

2. Where is Chid at the end of Section 30?
(a) In the hospital ward.
(b) He has left, but no one knows where he is.
(c) Dead, and his body awaits cremation.
(d) He is back at the narrator's room.

3. What environmental change is apparent in Section 32?
(a) The monsoons have stopped.
(b) There are locusts everywhere.
(c) The heavy dust is replaced by water.
(d) Plants and crops are withering.

4. What is true of the weather in Section 23?
(a) The heat remains stifling.
(b) The heat has subsided and monsoon season has begun.
(c) Constant rains make the streets too muddy to walk in.
(d) There are blue skies and no signs of rain.

5. What does the narrator tell Inder Lal about her pregnancy upon Chid's return?
(a) That the child is Chid's.
(b) That the child is his.
(c) Nothing.
(d) That she has had an abortion.

6. What is true of the schedule that Olivia and Douglas keep in Section 24?
(a) Douglas come to bed hours after Olivia.
(b) Olivia stays up late at night and sleeps late in the morning.
(c) Douglas goes to bed very early and insists that Olivia does the same.
(d) Olivia gets up early to make breakfast for Douglas.

7. What does the Nawab joke about on the day that he and Olivia make love for the first time?
(a) A suttee death.
(b) Baba Firdau.
(c) Husband's Wedding Day.
(d) Wives and widows.

8. What is Samadhi?
(a) The connection between a mother and her unborn child.
(b) A higher state of consciousness.
(c) A glimpse of the future.
(d) A body of water created by a monsoon.

9. Who does the narrator believe is the father of the pregnant person she learns about on July 31st?
(a) The mango seller from the bazaar.
(b) Chid.
(c) Inder Lal.
(d) A sudhu.

10. Where does the narrator plan to go in Section 36?
(a) To Bombay.
(b) To visit Chid.
(c) To meet with a midwife in Satipur City.
(d) To an ashram in the mountains.

11. What do Harry and Olivia quarrel about in Section 22?
(a) Harry wants Olivia to tell Douglas about her time with the Nawab.
(b) Harry wants Olivia to run away with him.
(c) Harry says Olivia shouldn't visit the palace.
(d) Olivia believes that Harry is going to tell Douglas about the time she spends with the Nawab.

12. Where does the narrator take a room in the final chapter?
(a) In town X, in the Himalayas.
(b) In Maji's hut.
(c) In the mountain house where Olivia last lived.
(d) In her grandmother's town.

13. Where does Olivia live after leaving Douglas?
(a) In the palace with the Nawab.
(b) Alone in Satipur City.
(c) In England.
(d) In a house in the mountains.

14. How does the narrator feel about her pregnancy when she visits Maji's hut?
(a) She is uncertain about it.
(b) She wants to share it with Inder Lal.
(c) She ends up in a state of rapture.
(d) She is desperate to end it.

15. How are Satipur and Ktahm described in Section 34?
(a) Slummy.
(b) Stuffy.
(c) Bustling.
(d) Crowded.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is noticeable about the beggar woman that the narrator notices and ends up helping?

2. Who do Harry, the Nawab, and Olivia laugh at in Section 24?

3. How does the narrator feel about Inder Lal, according to her August 15th journal entry?

4. With whom does Olivia spend her Sundays?

5. Why is the beggar woman who the narrator brings to the hospital living on the streets?

(see the answer keys)

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