Heartburn Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Heartburn Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Mark say smells of Dr. Scholl's footpads in Chapter Two?
(a) Richard.
(b) Betty.
(c) Rachel's father.
(d) Mark.

2. What time did Rachel tell Mark that she heard something while cooking at her Washington home?
(a) 3:20 pm.
(b) 6 am.
(c) 5:50 pm.
(d) 10 pm.

3. Who does Rachel get her cheesecake recipe from?
(a) Magazine.
(b) Eleanor.
(c) Her father's second wife.
(d) Julia Child cookbook.

4. What story does Mark like to tell that Rachel describes as a "novella"?
(a) Traveling to Singapore.
(b) When he wrote his first column.
(c) Meeting Rachel.
(d) His first day of work in the newspaper business.

5. How tall does Rachel think the mugger is?
(a) Five feet ten inches.
(b) Five and a half feet.
(c) Six feet four inches.
(d) Six feet.

6. When Chapter Four begins, what does Rachel do when she wakes up?
(a) Call Mark.
(b) Watch the baby inside her make waves in her belly.
(c) Read.
(d) Call Thelma.

7. What did Charlie refuse to give Vera when she was moving out of their apartment?
(a) Bed.
(b) Carrot peeler.
(c) Coffee table.
(d) Couch.

8. Where is Rachel's father in Chapter 1?
(a) Vacationing in Bahamas.
(b) Mental hospital.
(c) Visiting a friend.
(d) At work.

9. Why did Rachel decide to marry Mark?
(a) She thought he had learned his lesson.
(b) Vera approved of her choice.
(c) He was everything she wanted in a husband.
(d) She had no one else she loved.

10. What does Uncle Seymour's Beef Borscht refer to?
(a) Recipe in magazine.
(b) Cooking show.
(c) Movie.
(d) Title to Rachel's first book.

11. When did Mark give Rachel the diamond ring that she hides in her bra?
(a) On their engagement.
(b) On their one year anniversary.
(c) When she was pregnant for the second time.
(d) When Sam was born.

12. Where did Richard first see Rachel?
(a) Oprah.
(b) Comedy Central.
(c) Phil Donahue.
(d) Local news.

13. Who is Mr. Abbey?
(a) Cameraman.
(b) Mark's co-worker.
(c) Contractor.
(d) Rachel's neighbor.

14. What reason does Rachel give for why she didn't want to marry Mark?
(a) She didn't trust him.
(b) They have different lifestyles.
(c) He is unstable financially.
(d) She prefers to be single.

15. Why does the Detective think he needs therapy?
(a) He feels depressed.
(b) To help him decide about a hair transplant.
(c) Because he is getting a divorce.
(d) He is having trouble sleeping.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the man in the plaid shirt sitting next to Rachel keep doing?

2. What evidence did Rachel find in Mark's apartment that indicated another woman had been visiting him?

3. What term does Vera use to describe Mark when Rachel tells her about his affair?

4. What are Rachel and Jonathan doing when Harry returns to his apartment?

5. Who takes a picture of Rachel as she is on her way to therapy group?

(see the answer keys)

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