Hawaii Test | Final Test - Hard

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Hawaii Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was the reaction in Hawaii to passage of the McCarren-Walter Immigration Act?

2. In 1952, the United States passed the McCarren-Walter Immigration Act. What did this Act do?

3. What happens to Shigeo's three brothers who also served in World War II?

4. After Mun Ki dies, Char Nyuk Tsin returns to Hawaii to look for her youngest son. Who does she find raising him?

5. Shigeo plans to attend Harvard Law School. Why?

Short Essay Questions

1. During the early days of World War II, how does a war-bond speech made by Hong Kong Kee end up causing him to loan the money that enables Kamejiro to open a grocery store?

2. In 1952, who does Malama Kanaoka learns has been appointed as trustee for the Malama Kanaoka Trust, and why is the appointment sociologically interesting?

3. Chapter 6 is entitled "The Golden Men," which is a term intended to describe a certain kind of individual who was beginning to appear in Hawaiian society. Describe some of the traits that would qualify someone as a "Golden Man."

4. In the 1860s, John Whipple has many opportunities to observe the new Chinese workers as they settle into their lives in Hawaii. What impression do they make on him?

5. Identify who "the Celestials" are, and name at least one term of their employment.

6. In 1880, when relatives refuse to let young Whip Hoxworth join the family business because of his wild ways, what do they give to him instead, and what does he do with their gift?

7. Kee Chun Fat, who made his money in the California gold fields, tells his nephew, Mun Ki, what a Chinese must do in order to succeed in America. What is his advice?

8. In 1946, Hoxworth Hale keeps California Fruit and Mr. McLafferty from opening a chain of supermarkets in Hawaii. In turn, what ethnic groups does Mr. McLafferty tell Hong Kong Kee that the success of California Fruit would benefit?

9. In China, in the year 856 A.D., General Ching offers to lead a group of villagers in an escape from the Tartar invasion, but states that old people must stay behind. What happens when Char's elderly mother insists on joining the march?

10. Army captain Shigeo Sakagawa marches in a victory parade in Honolulu in 1946, but the occasion is a bittersweet one for him. He and his country have won the war, but Shigeo has suffered a great personal loss. What is it?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Discuss the history of intermarriage between the family lines of the original missionary families (Hale, Whipple, Hoxworth, Hewlett, and Janders). How is it reflected in their children's names? How did it affect business decisions, alliances and rivalries between the various families, in the century that followed?

Essay Topic 2

What were the good and bad points about the actions and decisions taken by the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (ABCFM) with regard to the mission work carried out in Hawaii? How might the fate of the island have been affected if no missionaries had come to Hawaii at all?

Essay Topic 3

Cultures and ethnic groups that are thrown together geographically have two basic choices: they can clash or they can blend. Show examples of each from HAWAII.

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