Having Our Say: The Delany Sisters' First 100 Years Test | Final Test - Hard

Sarah Louise Delany
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Having Our Say: The Delany Sisters' First 100 Years Test | Final Test - Hard

Sarah Louise Delany
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Having Our Say: The Delany Sisters' First 100 Years Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following groups was not represented in the projects?

2. According to the sisters, Nanny's judgment was often _____.

3. Which city was the site of major activity in the Civil Rights Movement?

4. Who built a house before the sisters moved to the area?

5. Which child died shortly before Nanny's death?

Short Essay Questions

1. Sadie and Bessie's neighbors in the projects were upset about the actions of the neighborhood kids. How did the sisters react to the issue?

2. Discuss Sadie's difficulties during her first year at Pratt.

3. Discuss Julia's move to New York. How did Julia's presence affect Bessie's attempt to get work?

4. As one might expect, Bessie got the last word in the book. What was Bessie's final insight?

5. What is written about the assassinations of the famous leaders of the time, particularly those involved in the Civil Rights Movement?

6. Sadie relays the story of one of her first experiences in New York regarding strangers. What was the experience? What did Sadie learn?

7. What does Bessie say about the extra effort that must be put forth by Negroes?

8. The sisters talk about the deaths in the family. Who died first? Could any of the deaths have been prevented? Explain.

9. How did Nanny's death change Sadie's role in the family? What was the family's reaction to the change?

10. What was the general impression of Harlem in the 1920s and 1930s? What was the other side of the situation?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Many people tried to get the sisters to use modern technology. At the time, that meant getting a telephone. Explain why the sisters refused to have a phone. What was their reason? What might happen if there was an emergency? How do you think the sisters would have reacted to today's modern technology? Do you think either would have given in and tried some of the new gadgets on the market today?

Essay Topic 2

Write a complete character description of Sadie. What were Sadie's most significant traits? How was Sadie different than her siblings? How did Sadie fight against racism and gender bias? What was Sadie's profession? Was Sadie successful in her career? What is the most memorable thing about Sadie in your eyes?

Essay Topic 3

Although the Delany family had many admirers, they also had detractors. Examine the type of person that might be most likely to detract from the family's accomplishments. Why do you think some of the lower class black families were resentful of the Delanys? Were they jealous? Did they have the same ambition or opportunities? Why did some think the family was trying to live in a white man's world? What does it mean when people said that the Delanys were trying to live above their station? How did the Delanys react to their supporters and detractors? What is your opinion?

(see the answer keys)

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