Hatter Fox Test | Final Test - Easy

Marilyn Harris
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Hatter Fox Test | Final Test - Easy

Marilyn Harris
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When does Dr. Summer return to Santa Fe to check on his home?
(a) Thanksgiving.
(b) Christmas Eve.
(c) Easter.
(d) Christmas Day.

2. Why does Rhinehart warn Dr. Summer against taking Hatter out for the day?
(a) She will not want to return to the Reformatory after having such a great day in the real world.
(b) Not to let Hatter convince him to let her free.
(c) Hatter may try to run away from him.
(d) The girls are sometimes uncomfortable outside of the Reformatory.

3. Where does Hatter want to stop after she and Dr. Summer have eaten their sandwiches?
(a) A candy store.
(b) A library.
(c) A convenience store for cigarettes.
(d) An ice cream shop.

4. Who takes Hatter to his home in the woods?
(a) None of these.
(b) A shepherd boy.
(c) A goat herder.
(d) A farmer.

5. Why does Dr. Summer tell Claude to open Hatter's door?
(a) So he can carry the unconscious Hatter to the infirmary.
(b) So he can help her walk to the infirmary and get some scratches on her arm treated.
(c) So he can leave Hatter alone as she has requested.
(d) So he can escape Hatter's attack.

6. What ends Hatter, Rhinehart, and Dr. Summer's evening?
(a) Rhinehart's comment that Hatter looks "almost human."
(b) Hatter lashes out at the other two.
(c) Rhinehart is called to the infirmary.
(d) Dr. Summer urging Hatter to talk about her past.

7. Whose attention does the new efficiency of the infirmary gain?
(a) Other Reformatories.
(b) The inmates.
(c) The administration.
(d) The State Hospital.

8. Who asked Hatter to leave the area previously?
(a) The diner owner.
(b) A women's group on campus.
(c) The local business owners association.
(d) A Navajo group on campus.

9. How does the winter progress with Hatter, Rhinehart, and Dr. Summer working together?
(a) Seamlessly.
(b) With difficulties.
(c) Strangely.
(d) Uneventfully.

10. How is Hatter punished for pushing someone off the cliff?
(a) She is tied up and put next to the crushed body.
(b) She is banished from the shepherding village.
(c) She is locked in a root cellar.
(d) She is locked in a room with the dead body.

11. What do Dr. Summer and Rhinehart have for dinner in her apartment?
(a) Cold chicken and beer.
(b) Meatloaf and warm milk.
(c) Pizza and beer.
(d) TV dinners and soda.

12. What does Rhinehart find on Hatter's head?
(a) A gash.
(b) A bump.
(c) A scar.
(d) Lice.

13. Where did Rhinehart grow up?
(a) Hawaii.
(b) Mexico.
(c) Australia.
(d) New Jersey.

14. When does Dr. Summer promise to return to the Reformatory when he leaves to check on his home?
(a) As soon as he can.
(b) The following week.
(c) Later that same day.
(d) The next day.

15. When does Dr. Summer really intend to return to the Reformatory after checking on his home?
(a) He does not really plan to leave. He is trying to surprise Hatter and Rhinehart.
(b) He plans to return a few days after promised.
(c) He plans to come back as he promised.
(d) He is not sure he will return.

Short Answer Questions

1. What causes Dr. Summer to panic when he returns to the reformatory?

2. What causes Hatter to break into screams while talking to Dr. Summer?

3. Where does Dr. Summer take Hatter for lunch in the chapter, "Hatter's History"?

4. How does Dr. Summer react to the stories that Hatter shares with him?

5. Who is actually guilty of pushing someone off the cliff?

(see the answer keys)

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