Hatchet Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Hatchet Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Brian confused after he catches a bird?
(a) He does not know how to clean it.
(b) He cannot figure out how to kill it.
(c) He cannot tell if it is a male or female.
(d) He needs to figure out how to keep from being pecked.

2. What important thing does Brian notice next time he sees a bear?
(a) A new food source
(b) Cubs
(c) It is injured
(d) The bear's den

3. What animal came toward Brian's shelter in the night?
(a) Bear
(b) Turtle
(c) Wolf
(d) Raccoon

4. What does Brian build from logs?
(a) Raft
(b) Barbecue pit
(c) Bathtub
(d) Fence

5. Why doesn't Brian use the emergency transmitter?
(a) He does not know how to work it.
(b) He thinks it is broken.
(c) It is stuck in the bottom of the pack.
(d) It's too wet.

6. Why couldn't Brian catch any fish?
(a) There were no fish to catch.
(b) The water was too murky.
(c) They were too fast.
(d) The water was too deep.

7. What does Brian narrowly avoid stepping on in the woods?
(a) Bear trap
(b) Bird
(c) Snake
(d) Quicksand

8. How does Brian preserve the remaining food?
(a) He creates a container out of rocks.
(b) He packs it in cold water.
(c) He buries it.
(d) He hides it in the shelter.

9. Which best explains Brian's condition after he gets out of the plane?
(a) Exhausted
(b) Scared
(c) Resigned
(d) Angry

10. What type of bird does Brian spot near the lake?
(a) Kingfisher
(b) Sparrow
(c) Hawk
(d) Owl

11. What does Brian consider his survival skills to be?
(a) Foolishness
(b) A game
(c) Masculine
(d) Futile

12. With what animal does Brian reach an unspoken agreement?
(a) Beaver
(b) Moose
(c) Wolf
(d) Bear

13. How long has it been since the plane crashed?
(a) 47 days
(b) 31 days
(c) 42 days
(d) 53 days

14. What causes Brian to be rescued?
(a) Emergency transmitter
(b) Explosion
(c) Signal Fire
(d) Lightning storm

15. How does Brian get back into the plane?
(a) Breaks a window
(b) He doesn't
(c) Saws off part of the tail
(d) Pushes in and cuts away the aluminum

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens when Brian tries to protect the food?

2. What causes Brian to run to the top of the ridge?

3. What bright object catches Brian's eye?

4. What was the next tool Brian created?

5. Which of these items was not seen in the plane?

(see the answer keys)

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