Harvey Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Harvey Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. How did Harvey receive his name, according to Elwood Dowd?

2. According to Elwood Dowd, people around town tell him about their _______________ each night.

3. According to Veta Simmons, what keeps people going and separates them from "the beasts"?

4. Where does Dr. Lyman Sanderson claim to have seen Ruth Kelly last Saturday?

5. What does Ruth Kelly ask Elwood Dowd when she first sees him in this scene?

Short Essay Questions

1. According to Elwood Dowd, how did Harvey get his name?

2. What is Elwood Dowd's reaction to the parcel brought out by Myrtle Mae Simmons?

3. What type of mechanism is relied on in this scene to generate its many comedic moments?

4. In his phone conversation home in this scene, what does Elwood Dowd want to know?

5. What tactic does Dr. William Chumley use to get Elwood Dowd to return home again? Is it successful?

6. Which other characters do you think are starting to believe in Harvey by the end of this scene? Why do they do this?

7. While Veta Simmons and Dr. William Chumley are arguing, what happens?

8. What is Veta Simmons' reasoning for why she was committed instead of Elwood Dowd?

9. How does Dr. Lyman Sanderson try to psychoanalyze Elwood Dowd's relationship with Harvey?

10. What becomes clear about Elwood Dowd in this scene?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

By Act 1, Scene 2, we have some indications that Harvey may not be a figment of Elwood Dowd's imagination. Select two other characters from the play who also have some level of interaction with Harvey (seeing, hearing, etc.) and explain why this is significant within the context of the play. How do each of these characters react to learning about Harvey? Do you think they accept their newly-revealed knowledge or not?

Essay Topic 2

Throughout the play "Harvey", Mary Chase weaves a theme about how humans need to hold onto their dreams. This is best articulated by Veta Simmons when she is speaking with Judge Gaffney in Act 2, Scene 1. Do you believe the author is trying to say that, although Harvey may not be real, it is important for people to believe in something beyond themselves that, ultimately, makes them better? Please support your thesis from examples based on the text.

Essay Topic 3

How do you think a Pooka like Harvey determines who can see it and who can't? List three people from the play that have different levels of interaction with Harvey (can see him, only see him sometimes, cannot see him) and how that affects their attitude toward Elwood Dowd's sanity or lack thereof.

(see the answer keys)

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