Harvey Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Harvey Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Wilson react toward Elwood Dowd when he sees him?
(a) He is very confrontational.
(b) He embraces Elwood Dowd warmly.
(c) He asks how Harvey is doing.
(d) He acts aloof and won't speak.

2. What does Dr. William Chumley assure Judge Gaffney of to hopefully avoid a lawsuit?
(a) That Dr. Lyman Sanderson has been fired.
(b) That he was planning on shutting down the sanitarium soon.
(c) That Wilson was really to blame for Veta Simmons' rough treatment.
(d) That everything was a total misunderstanding.

3. Who calls in to speak with Veta Simmons?
(a) Ruth Kelly.
(b) Dr. William Chumley.
(c) Elwood Dowd.
(d) Wilson.

4. How does Judge Gaffney feel about Elwood Dowd being locked up in the sanitarium?
(a) He is amused.
(b) He is relieved that Elwood Dowd is finally getting some help.
(c) He feels bad about it.
(d) He feels vindicated.

5. To whom is Myrtle Mae Simmons immediately attracted?
(a) Wilson.
(b) Dr. William Chumley.
(c) Judge Gaffney.
(d) Dr. Lyman Sanderson.

6. How many bars were searched looking for Elwood Dowd?
(a) 18.
(b) 7.
(c) 10.
(d) 3.

7. What does Elwood do before leaving the scene again?
(a) Grabs a handful of peanuts from a bowl.
(b) Makes another phone call.
(c) Tips his hat to the portrait.
(d) Tips his hat to the mantle.

8. What does Dr. William Chumley want to know about Elwood Dowd?
(a) If Elwood Dowd really sees something the rest of them don't.
(b) If Harvey is with Elwood Dowd.
(c) If Elwood Dowd would save him a seat at Charlie's Place.
(d) Where Elwood Dowd is.

9. How did Harvey receive his name, according to Elwood Dowd?
(a) The name was drawn at random from a hat.
(b) Harvey was given his name by a higher power.
(c) Harvey let Elwood Dowd pick the name.
(d) Harvey told Elwood Dowd what his name was.

10. What does Dr. Lyman Sanderson tell Elwood Dowd?
(a) He believes he can see Harvey, too.
(b) He has to face reality.
(c) He and Ruth Kelly are running off together.
(d) He's sorry they committed Veta Simmons.

11. What happens as Elwood Dowd talks to his sister on the phone?
(a) Harvey greets the people in the mansion.
(b) Elwood Dowd curses under his breath.
(c) Elwood Dowd hangs up in a panic.
(d) Harvey arrives where Elwood Dowd is.

12. What is Elwood Dowd's initial reaction upon seeing the parcel Myrtle Mae Simmons left?
(a) He is excited.
(b) He is saddened.
(c) He is terrified.
(d) He is angry.

13. According to Judge Gaffney, what are some of Elwood Dowd's strong points?
(a) Absent-minded, helpful.
(b) Creative, strong, and quick-witted.
(c) Dashing, forceful, and brave.
(d) Brains, personality and friends.

14. Who enters, looking disheveled and shaken?
(a) Myrtle Mae Simmons.
(b) Veta Simmons.
(c) Dr. William Chumley.
(d) Elwood Dowd.

15. What does Harvey look like, according to this scene?
(a) A giant rabbit with a hat and trenchcoat.
(b) A giant rabbit with a spiked collar.
(c) A giant rabbit with a fez and a leather belt.
(d) A giant rabbit with a polka dot collar and red necktie.

Short Answer Questions

1. Throughout this scene, who remains adamant that Elwood Dowd be locked up in the sanitarium?

2. Myrtle Mae Simmons insists that the judge do what?

3. Who does Ruth Kelly call to verify Elwood Dowd's story?

4. Who says "A painting shows not only the reality but the dream behind it"?

5. What does Dr. Lyman Sanderson ask Elwood Dowd to do?

(see the answer keys)

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