Harvesting the Heart Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Harvesting the Heart Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Paige use in a test to determine if she is having a boy or girl?
(a) Bleach.
(b) Drano.
(c) Tide.
(d) Clorax.

2. As Nicholas looks at pictures of Max taken by Astrid, what does he realize he hasn't seen around his house for a long time?
(a) Max's favorite toy.
(b) New artwork.
(c) A good meal.
(d) Paige drawing.

3. What does Paige see as she looks through the window of the closed store where her mother is supposed to work in North Carolina?
(a) Empty store.
(b) People sweeping.
(c) Photos of her mother.
(d) A mural.

4. What is the name of the horse Paige likes to ride at her mother's horse farm?
(a) Tony.
(b) Josh.
(c) Donegal.
(d) Patrick.

5. What publication did Paige's mother write obituaries for?
(a) Chicago Times.
(b) Illinois Tribune.
(c) Chicago Tribune.
(d) Los Angeles Times.

6. What does Paige feel the first time she nurses Max?
(a) Love.
(b) Joy.
(c) Hatred.
(d) Pain.

7. What does Jake slip into Paige's backpack without her knowing?
(a) An Irish Blessing.
(b) A ring.
(c) An apology note.
(d) Money.

8. Astrid is developing photos from ___________ when Nicholas surprises her in the darkroom.
(a) Moab.
(b) Moscow.
(c) Mailibu.
(d) Montana.

9. Where does Paige get off the bus after fleeing Chicago?
(a) Canton, Ohio.
(b) Manchester, New Hampshire.
(c) Cambridge, Massachusetts.
(d) Pittsburg, Pennsylvania.

10. What does Nicholas think Paige is suffering from after the birth of their son?
(a) Post Tramatic Stress Syndrome.
(b) Postpartum depression.
(c) Insanity.
(d) Dementia.

11. What do Paige and May make for dinner their first night together as adults?
(a) Sandwhiches.
(b) Salad.
(c) Steak.
(d) Chicken.

12. How do May and Paige celebrate the end of the summer they spent together on May's horse farm?
(a) Going on a trip.
(b) Going out to eat.
(c) Taking a midnight ride.
(d) Camping out.

13. What does Paige imagine the rolling hills of North Carolina are like?
(a) New Hampshire.
(b) Wales.
(c) England.
(d) Ireland.

14. What is Patrick O'Toole's occupation?
(a) Computer programer.
(b) Auto mechanic.
(c) Doctor.
(d) Artist.

15. Where does Paige go before Jake picks her up to take her to the abortion clinic?
(a) Confession.
(b) Park.
(c) Cemetery.
(d) Zoo.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Patrick think Paige is when she surprises him by showing up at his door?

2. What is Astrid's reaction when Nicholas shows up at her door with Max?

3. Where does Nicholas go to study during his fourth year of medical school?

4. What is Nicholas' favorite patient dying from?

5. Where do Paige and Nicholas get married?

(see the answer keys)

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