Harvest Test | Final Test - Hard

Tess Gerritsen
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Harvest Test | Final Test - Hard

Tess Gerritsen
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Mark say he wants to buy a yacht in Chapter 16?

2. Who wakes Aleksei in the middle of the night in Chapter 19?

3. Where is the first place Yakov takes a finally well Aleksei in Chapter 14?

4. Why does Vivien suggest Abby move in with her in Chapter 17?

5. Where does Abby realize she has seen Bernard Katzka before?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Abby begin to think she is being followed by a van in Chapter 15? What does she do about it?

2. Where does Abby go to find answers on Kunstler and Hennessy? Who sees her there and chases her down for a discussion?

3. Who are the passengers in the aft cabin as discussed in Chapter 14?

4. What does Mr. Parr do to Abby in Chapter 13 after searching her locker? Why?

5. How does Mark react when Abby asks him about the deaths of Kunstler and Hennessy? Why?

6. Why does Yakov dislike Nadiya?

7. Where does Yakov see Nadiya take Aleksei in Chapter 19? Where does Yakov think Aleksei is going?

8. Of whom does Yakov dream in Chapter 14? What does she look like?

9. How does Abby react when Detective Bernard Katzka comes to speak to her about Mary Allen? Why?

10. What happens to Yakov at the end of Chapter 19? What does this suggest about his chances of survival?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Discuss the actions of Tarasoff in this novel. Why does Abby turn to Ivan Tarasoff when she escapes Bayside? What does Tarasoff tell Abby to make her feel safe in his care? What does Tarasoff do to Abby? How does Tarasoff explain his actions? What is Tarasoff's motivation? Why did the author hide Tarasoff's part in the organ selling business? What about Tarasoff should have tipped the reader off to his actions? Did it? What will happen to Tarasoff in the end?

Essay Topic 2

Discuss one of the following relationships in detail:

1) Abby and Mark

2) Abby and Kaftka

3) Abby and Yakov

4) Abby and Vivien.

Essay Topic 3

Discuss the decision of Vivien and Abby to take the heart meant for Nina Voss to save Josh O'Day's life. What do they do? For what reason? Who performs the surgery? What might have happened if they had not gotten Josh a heart that day? What eventually happens to Josh? What happens to Nina Voss? Who should have gotten the heart? Who has the right to decide who gets an organ? What type of system is there that deals with this sort of decision making? Why did it not work in this case?

(see the answer keys)

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