Harvest Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Tess Gerritsen
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Harvest Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Tess Gerritsen
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where did Nina Voss meet her husband Victor as discussed in Chapter 3?

2. How old does Yakov claim he was when he began smoking?

3. What topic does Abby suggest all doctors are afraid to discuss, as stated in Chapter 4?

4. Why does Joe Terrio initially refuse to sign the forms to allow his wife's organs to be harvested?

5. Who does Abby tell Vivien she believes is behind the law suits and the present left in her car?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Nina Voss feel about her impending death? How does this compare to the feelings of her husband?

2. What does Mark tell Abby about the harvest at Wilcox Memorial Hospital that causes her to feel assured that the harvest took place there despite her earlier phone call? Who did the harvest?

3. Who attempts to stop the delivery of Karen Terrio's heart to Mass Gen in Chapter 5?

4. What is Yakov's biggest fear as he travels to America?

5. Who is chosen to take the heart to Mass Gen in Chapter 4?

6. What does Abby learn in Chapter 5 will be the consequences of what she and Vivien have done?

7. What makes Yakov think the men on board his freighter ship are doing something illegal?

8. What causes the accident that leads to Karen Terrio's brain injury?

9. Why does Abby try so hard to impress Dr. Wettig while presenting her patient?

10. What does Gregor do to Uncle Misha after the boys leave the apartment?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Who is Bernard Kaftka? What tragedy took place in his past? How did Kaftka react to that tragedy? What does Kaftka do for a living? How does he meet Abby? How do Abby and Kaftka find themselves thrown together? How does Kaftka nearly die in Abby's company? How does Kaftka rescue Abby in the end? What are Kaftka's feelings for Abby? Why does Kaftka not believe Abby when she insists she was not driving drunk the night of her accident? Does Kaftka come to believe her later? Why?

Essay Topic 2

Discuss the actions of Tarasoff in this novel. Why does Abby turn to Ivan Tarasoff when she escapes Bayside? What does Tarasoff tell Abby to make her feel safe in his care? What does Tarasoff do to Abby? How does Tarasoff explain his actions? What is Tarasoff's motivation? Why did the author hide Tarasoff's part in the organ selling business? What about Tarasoff should have tipped the reader off to his actions? Did it? What will happen to Tarasoff in the end?

Essay Topic 3

Discuss the team values of the transplant team at Bayside. What does the transplant team expect of their team members? What do they tell Abby about their expectations where she is concerned? Is there anything unusual about these expectations? How do these expectations become more sinister as the plot continues to develop? What do these expectations have to do with Aaron Levi's death? With the money his wife found in a secret bank account? With his wife's disappearance? With the deaths of two other doctors?

(see the answer keys)

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