Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How did Harry get the scar on his forehead?
(a) He fell in the bathtub when he was a baby.
(b) No one knows.
(c) He fell off the jungle gym.
(d) Magic that backfired.

2. What does Professor Quirrell say when he bursts into the Halloween dinner?
(a) There is a troll on the Hogwarts grounds.
(b) Voldemort is in the Forbidden Forest.
(c) There is an attack by dementers on the grounds.
(d) Harry Potter has been attacked.

3. What is a Nimbus Two Thousand?
(a) A broom.
(b) A wizard's ring.
(c) A wand.
(d) A potion.

4. How many gifts has Dudley received for his birthday in Chapter 2?
(a) 1.
(b) 52.
(c) 36.
(d) 13.

5. Who knocks the door to the shack off its hinges in Chapter 4?
(a) A member of the swat team.
(b) The storm.
(c) A motorcycle gang.
(d) Hagrid.

6. What professor seems to have something against Harry Potter?
(a) Snape.
(b) McGonagall.
(c) Lockwood.
(d) Dumbledore.

7. Who is Fluffy?
(a) Hagrid's barn owl.
(b) A newly born dragon.
(c) A cat that used to be a dark arts witch.
(d) The three-headed dog.

8. What has started now that it's November on Chapter 11?
(a) Students pledging to groups.
(b) Quidditch season.
(c) A new creatures course.
(d) Getting ready for mid-terms.

9. With what does Hermione help Ron and Harry in Chapter 11?
(a) Interceding with Snape.
(b) Planning ways to best Malfoy.
(c) Their homework.
(d) Tuning up Harry's broom and Ron's wand.

10. What word does Harry hear in the train station that makes him follow a large family?
(a) Hogwarts.
(b) Muggle.
(c) Magic.
(d) Dark arts.

11. What list is Harry supposed to get in Chapter 5?
(a) The required list for the school term.
(b) A list of the clothing he would like to purchase for school.
(c) A list of all the times his aunt and uncle have been mean to him.
(d) Something he has wanted for each birthday he that has not been celebrated.

12. How do the Dursleys act towards Harry in his last month there before school?
(a) They pretend he does not exist.
(b) They harass him constantly.
(c) They do not allow him to stay there.
(d) They are overly friendly.

13. What does the Slytherin team do a lot of during the Quidditch match in Chapter 11?
(a) Give up points.
(b) Lose the ball.
(c) Cheat.
(d) Fall off their brooms.

14. In which house is Draco Malfoy placed?
(a) Slytherin.
(b) Ravenclaw.
(c) Griffindor.
(d) Hufflepuff.

15. What is in the Leaky Cauldron, which helps Harry and Hagrid get to where they are going?
(a) A huge skeleton key.
(b) A transformer.
(c) A beam machine.
(d) A porthole.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the letter say that Harry finally receives in Chapter 4?

2. Who is Professor McGonagall disguised as in Chapter 1?

3. Where does Harry spend most of his time while waiting to go to his new school?

4. How does Harry shock Draco in Chapter 9?

5. What does Hagrid pull out of his coat in Chapter 5?

(see the answer keys)

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