Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How can a Quidditch team automatically win a Quidditch match?
(a) If the Seeker avoids the duster five times.
(b) If the Seeker catches the Snitch.
(c) If the other team fails to have the right number of players on the field at the start.
(d) If the other team intentionally knocks someone off their broom.

2. In Chapter 3, when is Harry's next birthday?
(a) It was just past a few weeks ago.
(b) The next day after they arrive on the island.
(c) In two months.
(d) No one knows when Harry was born.

3. What prop is used in the sorting ceremony?
(a) A tattered wizard's hat.
(b) A wizard brain scan.
(c) A personal interview by the headmaster of Hogwarts.
(d) A diadem.

4. What happens when Malfoy enters Harry's compartment on the train to school?
(a) Harry gets the willies.
(b) Ron leaves.
(c) A fight ensues.
(d) He asks for Harry's autograph.

5. What has started now that it's November on Chapter 11?
(a) Getting ready for mid-terms.
(b) A new creatures course.
(c) Students pledging to groups.
(d) Quidditch season.

6. What is Griffindor's final score in the Quidditch match against Slytherin in Chapter 11?
(a) 170.
(b) 220.
(c) 75.
(d) 60.

7. What is the tall man in robes carrying when he joins the cat that night in Chapter 1?
(a) A device that turns off the street lights.
(b) A small dragon.
(c) A device that throws a symbol in the sky.
(d) A lantern.

8. What has Professor Snape acquired in Chapter 11?
(a) A strange cape.
(b) A mysterious companion.
(c) A new miniature dragon.
(d) A mysterious limp.

9. About what is Malfoy disappointed in Chapter 9?
(a) That his father is not coming to the first Quidditch match.
(b) That Hermione is not interested in him.
(c) That Harry beats him in the challenge.
(d) That Harry and his friends were not caught out late at night and expelled.

10. To what does the narrator compare Diagon Alley?
(a) A carnival of lights.
(b) A black corridor.
(c) A festival.
(d) A muggy strip mall.

11. What does the Slytherin team do a lot of during the Quidditch match in Chapter 11?
(a) Cheat.
(b) Fall off their brooms.
(c) Lose the ball.
(d) Give up points.

12. Who first enters Harry's compartment on the train to school?
(a) Draco.
(b) Snape.
(c) George.
(d) Albus.

13. What do Harry, Ron, Hermione and Neville find when they go inside a room to hide from Filch in Chapter 9?
(a) An old wizard journal.
(b) A dragon.
(c) A mirror that reflects their inner thoughts.
(d) A three-headed watchdog.

14. What does Mr. Dursley do when something happens at midnight on Harry's birthday?
(a) Arms himself with a gun.
(b) Makes Harry leave the shack.
(c) Calls the police.
(d) Puts Dudley and Harry in a safe room.

15. Where does Harry sleep at the Dursley's house?
(a) In a cupboard under the stairs.
(b) In Dudley's room.
(c) In the attic bedroom.
(d) In the garage apartment.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Fluffy?

2. What is the characteristic(s) of the Gryffindors?

3. What does Professor Quirrell say when he bursts into the Halloween dinner?

4. What is the characteristic(s) of the Hufflepuffs?

5. Where does Harry spend most of his time while waiting to go to his new school?

(see the answer keys)

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