Harriet Tubman: Conductor on the Underground Railroad Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Harriet Tubman: Conductor on the Underground Railroad Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where did Levi Coffin operate the busiest branch of the Underground Railroad, according to the author in Chapter 21: “With the Union Army”?
(a) Western Alabama.
(b) Northern Ohio.
(c) Eastern Virginia.
(d) Southern Indiana.

2. When recalling her patchwork quilt in Chapter 19: “The Old Folks Go North,” Harriet realized that it had been what to her?
(a) The quilt of justice.
(b) God’s quilt.
(c) Destiny’s quilt.
(d) Freedom’s quilt.

3. How old was John Chase described as in the records in Chapter 17: “Moses Arrives with Six Passengers”?
(a) 29.
(b) 20.
(c) 17.
(d) 36.

4. Where did Harriet and her fugitive group stop to spend a night and part of the day as they made their way North in Chapter 17: “Moses Arrives with Six Passengers”?
(a) Bucktown.
(b) Middletown.
(c) Clamtown.
(d) Capetown.

5. The discovery of missing slaves always seemed to happen on what days of the week in Chapter 14: “The Railroad Runs to Canada”?
(a) Thursdays.
(b) Tuesdays.
(c) Sundays.
(d) Wednesdays.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where was Harriet visiting friends on October 17, 1859, according to the author in Chapter 20: “The Lecture Platform”?

2. According to the records taken in Chapter 17: “Moses Arrives with Six Passengers,” John Ross had left behind his wife whose name was what?

3. Who said in Chapter 18: “A Wagon Load of Bricks,” “I’ll wade no freezin’ water for no crazy woman”?

4. Who shot Abraham Lincoln?

5. It was the fall of what year that “Harriet Tubman began to feel uneasy about three of her brothers” that were still on the plantation in Maryland in Chapter 16: “Be Ready to Step on Board”?

Short Essay Questions

1. What causes did Harriet Tubman work toward in her later life, according to the author in Chapter 22: “The Last Years”?

2. Who was Harriet helping escape enslavement in the beginning of Chapter 17: “Moses Arrives with Six Passengers”? Where did they stay before leaving the plantation?

3. How had Harriet’s route changed in her journeys along the Underground Railroad in Chapter 13: “The Legend of Moses”? Why?

4. What rumors does the author describe of the figure called “Moses” in Chapter 14: “The Railroad Runs to Canada”?

5. What slave story does the author relate that took place in Boston in Chapter 13: “The Legend of Moses”?

6. Describe Old Ben’s actions and objectives in Chapter 17: “Moses Arrives with Six Passengers.” Why did Old Ben refuse to look at his children?

7. What was Harriet’s principle reason for returning to Maryland in Chapter 12: “Freedom’s Clothes”? What does the title of the chapter refer to?

8. At whose urging did Harriet begin speaking publicly, according to the author in Chapter 20: “The Lecture Platform”? When and where did this occur?

9. What was the first obstacle that Harriet met on her journey North with refugees in Chapter 14: “The Railroad Runs to Canada”?

10. What threat of violence did Harriet make against one of the slaves in Chapter 15: “Go On or Die”? Why?

(see the answer keys)

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