Harriet Tubman: Conductor on the Underground Railroad Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Harriet Tubman: Conductor on the Underground Railroad Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who did Harriet and the fugitives meet when they arrived in Syracuse, New York, in Chapter 15: “Go On or Die”?
(a) Dr. Anthony Thompson.
(b) Reverend Theodore Parker.
(c) General David Hunter.
(d) Reverend J.W. Loguen.

2. Where did Levi Coffin operate the busiest branch of the Underground Railroad, according to the author in Chapter 21: “With the Union Army”?
(a) Southern Indiana.
(b) Western Alabama.
(c) Eastern Virginia.
(d) Northern Ohio.

3. Where was Harriet visiting friends on October 17, 1859, according to the author in Chapter 20: “The Lecture Platform”?
(a) Rhode Island.
(b) New York.
(c) Connecticut.
(d) Delaware.

4. Of what did Harriet think in Chapter 12: “Freedom’s Clothes” “did not change a person, did not really matter”?
(a) “Clothes.”
(b) “Religion.”
(c) “Wealth.”
(d) “Education.”

5. It was the fall of what year that “Harriet Tubman began to feel uneasy about three of her brothers” that were still on the plantation in Maryland in Chapter 16: “Be Ready to Step on Board”?
(a) 1850.
(b) 1857.
(c) 1854.
(d) 1861.

6. When recalling her patchwork quilt in Chapter 19: “The Old Folks Go North,” Harriet realized that it had been what to her?
(a) The quilt of justice.
(b) God’s quilt.
(c) Destiny’s quilt.
(d) Freedom’s quilt.

7. How many nights after General Robert E. Lee’s surrender was Abraham Lincoln shot?
(a) 2.
(b) 6.
(c) 13.
(d) 25.

8. What did Harriet describe drugging the twin babies with when she led a group of fugitives North in her lecture in Chapter 20: “The Lecture Platform”?
(a) Alcohol.
(b) Mescaline.
(c) Opium.
(d) Cannabis.

9. What was the name of John Tubman’s new wife when Harriet returned for him in Chapter 12: “Freedom’s Clothes”?
(a) Caroline.
(b) Ellen.
(c) Mary.
(d) Eliza.

10. Harriet told the fugitives about William and Ellen Craft escaping from where in Chapter 15: “Go On or Die”?
(a) Columbia, South Carolina.
(b) Huntsville, Alabama.
(c) Jackson, Mississippi.
(d) Macon, Georgia.

11. Benjamin Ross was described in the records as being how old in Chapter 17: “Moses Arrives with Six Passengers”?
(a) 16.
(b) 43.
(c) 35.
(d) 28.

12. What “handsome black-haired Senator from Illinois” was trying to persuade the Senate to repeal the slavery restriction clause in 1854, according to the author in Chapter 16: “Be Ready to Step on Board”?
(a) John Chase.
(b) John Stewart.
(c) Jacob Jackson.
(d) Stephen Douglas.

13. Harriet told the slave refugees that William Garrett would give everyone what when they arrived in Chapter 14: “The Railroad Runs to Canada”?
(a) Water.
(b) Blankets.
(c) Shoes.
(d) Bread.

14. Where did Franklin B. Sanborn ask Harriet to give a lecture when he first met her in Chapter 20: “The Lecture Platform”?
(a) Washington Hall.
(b) Jefferson Hall.
(c) Bastille Hall.
(d) Faneuil Hall.

15. Harriet Tubman returned to Dorchester County in the spring of what year in Chapter 12: “Freedom’s Clothes”?
(a) 1851.
(b) 1847.
(c) 1855.
(d) 1853.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was the reward amount posted on the wanted poster that Harriet and the fugitives discovered in their near-escape in Chapter 18: “A Wagon Load of Bricks”?

2. William Still supplied Harriet with money and sent her and the refugees on to what city in Chapter 15: “Go On or Die”?

3. Where did Harriet and her fugitive group stop to spend a night and part of the day as they made their way North in Chapter 17: “Moses Arrives with Six Passengers”?

4. By what name did Harriet refer to Maryland in Chapter 13: “The Legend of Moses”?

5. What was the name of William Henry Ross’s fiancée that he brought with him on the trip North in Chapter 16: “Be Ready to Step on Board”?

(see the answer keys)

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