Hard Times; an Oral History of the Great Depression Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Hard Times; an Oral History of the Great Depression Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Myrna Loy suspect of being the force behind her inability to meet FDR?
(a) Eleanor Roosevelt.
(b) Louis B. Mayer.
(c) Harry Truman.
(d) Martin Dies.

2. According to Fred Thompson, what did Wobblies constantly have to prove they were not?
(a) Communists.
(b) Mormons.
(c) Fascists.
(d) Anarchists.

3. What does Alf Landon say he disliked about Roosevelt's New Deal?
(a) Its centralization of executive power.
(b) Almost nothing.
(c) The Stalinist collectivism.
(d) The nationalization of industry.

4. As he entered his later years, what term did Roosevelt use to describe himself among aides?
(a) Ozymandias.
(b) The indispensible man.
(c) The poor public servant.
(d) King Frank.

5. What public figure publicly raved about Jack Kirkland's play?
(a) Harold Ickes.
(b) Huey Long.
(c) Eleanor Roosevelt.
(d) Orson Welles.

6. During the Depression, why did farmers systematically stop corn deliveries?
(a) To boost the price.
(b) The avoid the spread of colic.
(c) To feed locals.
(d) To highlight their struggle to survive.

7. Why did Huey Long not run for president in 1936?
(a) He was assassinated.
(b) He chose to retire.
(c) He was embroiled in scandals.
(d) He became Roosevelt's Chief of Staff.

8. Why was Ward James fired from his job in the 1930's?
(a) Lack of money to pay him.
(b) Drinking on the job.
(c) Incompetence.
(d) Union activity.

9. Why did Ray Wax flee his parents home?
(a) He eloped with a girl.
(b) They kicked him out for his Communist beliefs.
(c) He wanted to move to New York City.
(d) They were stealing his money.

10. Dr. Francis Townsend's ideas eventually became the groundwork for what?
(a) Medicaid.
(b) The Civil Rights Movement.
(c) Social Security.
(d) The New Deal.

11. What popular American novel did Jack Kirkland adapt into a successful play?
(a) Tender is the Night.
(b) Of Mice and Men.
(c) The Jungle.
(d) Tobacco Road.

12. How does Dr. Martin Bickham recommend his employers help struggling Americans during the Depression?
(a) Develop work programs.
(b) Issue relief through churches.
(c) Organize bread lines.
(d) Contribute to governmental efforts.

13. How was public housing viewed differently by the public in the 1930's than it is today?
(a) It was despised by the wealthy.
(b) It was not thoroughly understood.
(c) It was open to people of all income brackets.
(d) It was thought nicer than private housing.

14. What type of protest does Horace Cayton discuss in Honor and Humiliation?
(a) Sit-ins.
(b) Be-ins.
(c) Lie-ins.
(d) Walk-outs.

15. What did Harry Hartman do in the 1930's when he felt bad for the indebted people he was serving?
(a) He would give them the address of a Worker's Alliance.
(b) He would leave some belongings behind.
(c) He would buy them a taxi to a shelter.
(d) He would say they were not home.

Short Answer Questions

1. In 1930's Appalachia, what does the KKK assist in setting up?

2. In Three o'Clock in the Morning, Wilbur Kane's mother was bitter about the invasion of what?

3. According to Gardiner Means, what ended with the Depression?

4. According to Max Shachtman, why was Communism especially vital just before FDR was elected?

5. Besides attempting to change the makeup of the Supreme Court, what Roosevelt decision does James Farley say alienated people in the administration?

(see the answer keys)

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