Hard Times; an Oral History of the Great Depression Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Hard Times; an Oral History of the Great Depression Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was Dorothea Lange's profession?
(a) Photographer.
(b) Nurse.
(c) Economist.
(d) Newspaper columnist.

2. As he entered his later years, what term did Roosevelt use to describe himself among aides?
(a) The poor public servant.
(b) King Frank.
(c) The indispensible man.
(d) Ozymandias.

3. How does Dr. Martin Bickham recommend his employers help struggling Americans during the Depression?
(a) Organize bread lines.
(b) Issue relief through churches.
(c) Develop work programs.
(d) Contribute to governmental efforts.

4. What type of protest does Horace Cayton discuss in Honor and Humiliation?
(a) Lie-ins.
(b) Be-ins.
(c) Sit-ins.
(d) Walk-outs.

5. In what country did William Patterson study economics for a time?
(a) The USSR.
(b) Germany.
(c) England.
(d) China.

6. What does Wilbur Kane still dislike about Roosevelt?
(a) He waited too long to take on Hitler.
(b) He stayed in office past two full terms.
(c) He did away with the NRA.
(d) He tried to pack the Supreme Court.

7. What happened to Orrin Kelly after the incident with the Iowa judge?
(a) He interviewed the leaders of the mob.
(b) He had to flee town.
(c) He became judge of the county.
(d) He was arrested.

8. According to historian Christopher Lasch, what was never a serious possibility in the Depression?
(a) Loss of personal freedom.
(b) A right-wing reaction.
(c) Revolution.
(d) Annexation by Canada.

9. What was Huey Long's central message in his nationally broadcast speeches?
(a) Establishing a national bank.
(b) Entering World War II.
(c) Redistibution of wealth.
(d) Segregation.

10. What was the Actors Union's response to The Cradle Will Rock?
(a) It stipulated only five of its members could perform in it.
(b) It insisted the production go on as scheduled.
(c) It refused to intervene.
(d) It barred actors from performing it onstage.

11. What event discussed earlier in the book does Harry Norgard think was destructive to society?
(a) The Cradle Will Rock premiere.
(b) The Bank Holiday.
(c) The Chicago teachers' strike.
(d) The Detroit sit-in.

12. According to Emma Teiller, why did armed men enter a relief house in her neighborhood?
(a) To keep Japanese Americans out of it.
(b) To keep an eye out for union organizers.
(c) To stop mobs threatening to burn it down.
(d) To ensure that blacks were being fairly served.

13. Who was the head of the red-baiting committee that investigated New Deal administrators in the 1930's?
(a) Joseph McCarthy.
(b) C. Wright Patman.
(c) Martin Dies.
(d) Stanley Fish.

14. Why was Hiram Sherman removed from Equity leadership?
(a) He quit acting.
(b) He performed The Cradle Will Rock.
(c) He voted to disband the union.
(d) He was branded a communist.

15. Who does Billy Green credit with his success in business?
(a) His father.
(b) God.
(c) Himself.
(d) Roosevelt.

Short Answer Questions

1. Aaron Barkham informs the reader of what strange practice of certain clans within the Appalachian Ku Klux Klan?

2. What did Hiram Sherman do in The Cradle Will Rock?

3. According to Fred Thompson, what did Wobblies constantly have to prove they were not?

4. What does the young man in the final interview of Arrests and Other Running Sores do for a living?

5. What accusation was made against Dr. Francis Townsend in his time?

(see the answer keys)

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