Hard Times; an Oral History of the Great Depression Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Hard Times; an Oral History of the Great Depression Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What metaphor does Arthur Robinson use to describe Wall Street in the 1920's?
(a) A private club.
(b) A Roman orgy.
(c) A candy store.
(d) A rigged casino.

2. What demagogic figure of the 1930's did Dawn McCullough despise?
(a) Huey Long.
(b) Bob La Follette.
(c) Franklin Roosevelt.
(d) Father Coughlin.

3. What inversion of racial relationships happened regarding Robin Langston's father during the Depression?
(a) White neighbors hocked their radios to him.
(b) He began hiring white workers.
(c) He was invited to move into a whites-only neighborhood.
(d) He was allowed to join the pipe-fitters' union.

4. What advertising outlet did William Benton exploit, making him his fortune?
(a) Direct mail.
(b) Sponsoring shorts before films.
(c) Radio advertising.
(d) Billboards.

5. What famous Depression tune did Yip Harburg write?
(a) Sixteen Tons.
(b) Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?
(c) Life is Just a Bowl of Cherries.
(d) We're In the Money.

6. At the end of High Life, what does Judy blame for the Depression?
(a) Apathy.
(b) Consumption.
(c) Militarism.
(d) Sin.

7. According to Doc Graham, what was the only good thing Roosevelt did?
(a) Pass the WPO.
(b) Get Hoover out of office.
(c) Die.
(d) Repeal Prohibition.

8. What did Slim Collier's father do before the Depression?
(a) Copywriting.
(b) Die work.
(c) Smelting.
(d) Landscaping.

9. What did Bob Leary's father do during much of the Depression to avoid going crazy?
(a) Have an affair.
(b) Redo the upholstery of a car.
(c) Fish at a nearby lake.
(d) Paint a house.

10. Which movement sought to replace the American Federation of Labor in the 1930's?
(a) The CIO.
(b) The Wobblies.
(c) The Communists.
(d) The Catholic Workers.

11. According to Terkel, what increased among patrons of his parent's business after the Crash?
(a) Panhandling.
(b) Emigrating to Mexico.
(c) Suicide.
(d) Horse-betting.

12. In a quote in the Introduction, how does the speaker describe the socioeconomic relationship between blacks and whites during the Depression?
(a) There was no way of telling, things were so bad.
(b) Blacks and whites were about equal for the first time.
(c) Blacks were actually better off.
(d) Blacks were always worse off.

13. What about modern America mystifies Diana Morgan?
(a) America's involvement with Vietnam.
(b) The widespread use of drugs.
(c) The election of Richard Nixon.
(d) Those who ignore poverty.

14. In what war did the Bonus marchers fight?
(a) The Crimean War.
(b) World War I.
(c) The Spanish American War.
(d) World War II.

15. What food can Dorothe Bernstein not stand because of her days in an orphanage?
(a) Sardines.
(b) Brussel sprouts.
(c) Beets.
(d) Pig's feet.

Short Answer Questions

1. How did strike organizers in Detroit finally stop scabs from coming?

2. Peggy Terry says in Hard Travelin' that what disappeared from her life during the Depression?

3. What was Bob La Follette before he ran for President?

4. In her interview, what does Diana Morgan say never interested her?

5. What strange job does Terkel get right after college?

(see the answer keys)

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