Hard Times; an Oral History of the Great Depression Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Hard Times; an Oral History of the Great Depression Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Terkel seek out en route to his university?
(a) Huey Long's home district.
(b) A real American Hooverville.
(c) His high school sweetheart.
(d) The blues.

2. Peggy Terry says in Hard Travelin' that what disappeared from her life during the Depression?
(a) Racism.
(b) Her family.
(c) Her sense of patriotism.
(d) Hope.

3. According to Dr. David J. Rossman, what did psychoanalysis not acknowledge regarding patient distress in the 1930's?
(a) Schizophrenia.
(b) External stimuli.
(c) Parental fixations.
(d) Anxiety attacks.

4. How did Jim Sheridan travel to the Bonus March?
(a) He rode a boxcar.
(b) He walked the whole way.
(c) He joined a caravan of jalopies.
(d) He hitched rides.

5. How does Diana Morgan describe herself at the beginning of her interview?
(a) A southern belle.
(b) A habitual instigator.
(c) A woman of ill repute.
(d) A lost cause.

6. What food can Dorothe Bernstein not stand because of her days in an orphanage?
(a) Beets.
(b) Pig's feet.
(c) Brussel sprouts.
(d) Sardines.

7. In Man and Boy, what does Clifford Burke credit with black men's survival in the Depression?
(a) Charity organizations.
(b) Their wives.
(c) The government.
(d) Their faith.

8. According to a quotation in the Introduction, what was the typical response to receiving a pink slip during the beginning of the Depression?
(a) Shame.
(b) Numbness.
(c) Bemusement.
(d) Pride.

9. According to Terkel, what increased among patrons of his parent's business after the Crash?
(a) Panhandling.
(b) Emigrating to Mexico.
(c) Suicide.
(d) Horse-betting.

10. In what scant costume did Sally Rand enter the Beaux Arts ball?
(a) Artemis.
(b) Eve.
(c) Lady Godiva.
(d) Messalina.

11. In Hard Travelin', what does Peggy Terry think would happen if another Depression happened today?
(a) The Soviets would take over.
(b) We would rebound faster.
(c) There would be widespread violence.
(d) All Republicans would be voted out.

12. What promise did Upton Sinclair make to his supporters during his run for governor of California?
(a) To extract public money from industrialists.
(b) To end poverty in California.
(c) To create a work program.
(d) To secede from the US.

13. How did strike organizers in Detroit finally stop scabs from coming?
(a) They burned a scab's house down.
(b) They shut down the highway.
(c) They nailed shut the factory doors.
(d) They paid scabs not to go to work.

14. What demagogic figure of the 1930's did Dawn McCullough despise?
(a) Franklin Roosevelt.
(b) Huey Long.
(c) Father Coughlin.
(d) Bob La Follette.

15. Why did Martin DeVries hate Roosevelt?
(a) Roosevelt tried to pack the court.
(b) Roosevelt attacked the free market system.
(c) Roosevelt came from money.
(d) Roosevelt got America into World War II.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did many of Arthur Robinson's friends say was the only reason to have money?

2. What is Cesar Chavez best known as?

3. Who was the one black student in Terkel's college class?

4. What recollection does Diana Morgan have that draws tears from her?

5. What did Arthur Robinson do before entering the financial markets?

(see the answer keys)

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