Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 177 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 177 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the Librarian ask the Caretaker in the Power Station chapter?
(a) Whether he's seen an older woman around the Power Station.
(b) Whether he gets along with the Gatekeeper.
(c) Whether he misses going into the Town.
(d) Whether he gets along with the others.

2. Which of the following does the Colonel NOT give as a possible reason for his work as a soldier?
(a) Hatred.
(b) A sense of justice.
(c) Patriotism.
(d) Honor.

3. What does the narrator's shadow say he can't do?
(a) He can't talk.
(b) He can't breathe.
(c) He can't leave.
(d) He can't walk.

4. What bodily function does the narrator find himself pondering in the escape route from the underground?
(a) Urination.
(b) Erections.
(c) Spit.
(d) Flatulence.

5. What compliment does the narrator make the librarian?
(a) She's a great kisser.
(b) She has lovely hair.
(c) She has great legs.
(d) She has a great butt.

6. Who does the Caretaker say comes to visit until the beginning of autumn?
(a) The Gatekeeper.
(b) The beasts.
(c) The Woodspeople.
(d) The Townspeople.

7. What does the Librarian say is the key to finding her mind?
(a) The accordion.
(b) The skulls.
(c) The Gatekeeper.
(d) Her mother.

8. What is it that causes the narrator to check each joint and muscle of his body when he wakes at the beginning of Chapter 30?
(a) He feels stiff and motionless.
(b) He hears a strange noise in his head.
(c) He wonders if he is still alive.
(d) He has a terrible headache.

9. What song does the narrator listen to just before falling asleep at the waterfront?
(a) I'm Comin' Home.
(b) Danny Boy.
(c) A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall.
(d) Blowin' in the Wind.

10. What does the narrator want to do when he arrives at the Library in Chapter 34?
(a) He wants to talk to the Librarian.
(b) He wants to go for a walk.
(c) He wants to have dinner.
(d) He wants to begin dream reading right away.

11. Why do the people in the laundromat stare at the narrator when he begins drying the clothes?
(a) The clothes are all pink.
(b) It's strange that the narrator is simply staring at the dryer.
(c) The clothes still stink from the underground.
(d) The narrator clearly doesn't know how to use a dryer.

12. How does the Colonel say the Town feels about the passing of a shadow?
(a) They are relieved that the shadow is finally gone.
(b) It is a solemn event.
(c) It is wonderful to be freed of the weight.
(d) They don't talk about it.

13. Where does the shadow tell the narrator they're going?
(a) To the Woods.
(b) To the Watchtower.
(c) To the barracks.
(d) To the Pool.

14. What unusual thing does the narrator note about the Power Station?
(a) There are no lines leading out.
(b) Unlike the rest of the Town's structures, the Power Station is made of wood.
(c) It seems to be glowing.
(d) It seems to be talking.

15. What does the narrator first notice about the musical instruments?
(a) They are old.
(b) They are in good repair.
(c) They bear traces of their previous owners.
(d) He knows how to play them all.

Short Answer Questions

1. What day is it when the narrator and the chubby girl finally arrive in the subway system?

2. How long does the narrator say it will take him to read out the Librarian's mind?

3. What does the narrator ask the Librarian to do for him when he is finished reading skulls?

4. Why does the Gatekeeper leave the narrator alone with his shadow?

5. What does the Librarian compare the sounds of the accordion to at the beginning of Chapter 36?

(see the answer keys)

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