Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 177 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 177 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do the girl and the narrator appear to be walking on after the rock slab?
(a) A honeycomb.
(b) A bridge.
(c) A minefield.
(d) A train track.

2. What does the Colonel say dying might be for the beasts?
(a) A relief.
(b) A traumatic experience.
(c) Their salvation.
(d) A painful occurrence.

3. What topic of conversation makes the narrator uncomfortable in Chapter 5?
(a) The old man's granddaughter's sex drive.
(b) His own sex drive.
(c) The INKlings' sex drive.
(d) The old man's sex drive.

4. What is it about the poster of Frankfurt at the supermarket that makes the narrator uneasy?
(a) He is afraid of Germans.
(b) It looks cold.
(c) He gets chills when he sees tall, sharp spires.
(d) He doesn't like the people's not-watching-anything gaze.

5. What did the narrator loose upon arriving in the Town?
(a) His shadow.
(b) His shoes.
(c) His eyesight.
(d) His voice.

6. What event makes the beasts all stop what they are doing and move simultaneously in one direction in Chapter 2?
(a) The opening of the Gate.
(b) The call of the Gatekeeper.
(c) The approach of dinnertime.
(d) The blowing of the horn.

7. What does the chubby girl say she can hear from the INKlings?
(a) Their fins flapping.
(b) Their jaws snapping.
(c) Their lips smacking.
(d) Their tails wagging.

8. Who calls and wakes the narrator up while he is sleeping after finishing his shuffling?
(a) The Professor.
(b) The girl in pink.
(c) Junior.
(d) The librarian.

9. What does the narrator suggest be built for the beasts?
(a) A larger feeding trough.
(b) A roofed enclosure.
(c) A barn.
(d) An outlet to the River.

10. Where does the narrator say the smoke comes from?
(a) The Apple Grove.
(b) The Worker's Quarter.
(c) The Eastern Woods.
(d) The Southern Hill.

11. What does the Colonel give the narrator to help nurse him back to health?
(a) A bandage.
(b) Soup.
(c) A blanket.
(d) Tea.

12. What does the librarian try to get the narrator to hear while they are lying in bed?
(a) The sound of the cars passing below the window.
(b) Her heartbeat.
(c) People talking in the hall outside.
(d) Her food digesting.

13. Where does the narrator's shadow sleep?
(a) In a room in the barracks.
(b) Beneath the Watchtower.
(c) In a lean-to.
(d) Under a tree.

14. Where does the Librarian live?
(a) In the Industrial Quarter.
(b) In the Worker's Quarter.
(c) Beside the Clock Tower.
(d) Beside the Old Bridge.

15. Which variety of unicorn does the librarian say is the more tranquil variety?
(a) The Chinese variety.
(b) The Indian variety.
(c) The Russian variety.
(d) The Greek variety.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the narrator tell the librarian to comfort her at the end of Chapter 18?

2. What creatures do the girl and the narrator meet underground?

3. What is the first thing the Professor asks for on seeing his granddaughter and the narrator at the beginning of Chapter 25?

4. Why does the narrator say, following the chubby girl's line of thinking, that the two of them will have to help her grandfather?

5. What does the chubby girl say her grandfather claims will happen if the narrator doesn't get up at the beginning of Chapter 17?

(see the answer keys)

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