Guantanamo Boy Test | Final Test - Hard

Anna Perera
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Guantanamo Boy Test | Final Test - Hard

Anna Perera
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. The voice that speaks to Khalid after he descends the plane in Chapter 16 says, “Welcome to Guantanamo Bay Prison. You’re now the property of” whom?

2. Where does Khalid learn Mikael has moved with his family in Chapter 28?

3. In Chapter 23, Tariq fills Khalid in on the events since they’ve been imprisoned. How many people does he say in March of 2003 marched in London against Tony Blair’s decision to go to war in Iraq?

4. What is the title of Chapter 22?

5. In the beginning of Chapter 22, the narrator notes that Khalid has been keeping track of days how for the last three days?

Short Essay Questions

1. What question does Khalid repeatedly ask in the beginning of Chapter 22? Why?

2. Who greets Khalid in the interrogation room in Chapter 26? What information do these characters relate?

3. How is Khalid’s arrival in his room described in Chapter 27? Whom does Khalid speak to here?

4. How is Khalid’s psychological state illustrated in the beginning of Chapter 21?

5. What music is blaring in the prison when Khalid awakens in Chapter 18? What does this make Khalid think of?

6. What information does the author relate of the imprisonment of children in the novel’s Afterword?

7. Where does Khalid encounter Tariq in Chapter 22? What does he learn from this character?

8. How is Khalid’s arrival home described in Chapter 28? How does Khalid respond to the experience of arriving home?

9. Whom does Khalid encounter on his way to the barber in Chapter 21? What exchange is described?

10. How is Khalid’s day-to-day life described in the beginning of Chapter 17?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Discuss the history, methods, and effects of torture by waterboarding. How is the process of waterboarding described in the reading? Is this a realistic depiction? Why is waterboarding forbidden by the Geneva Convention as a use of torture against prisoners of war?

Essay Topic 2

Discuss the theme of torture in Guantanamo Boy. How is this theme supported by symbolism and imagery in the novel? What do you think the author’s viewpoints are on the use of torture as a means to retrieve information of terrorist plots and activities? Do you agree or disagree?

Essay Topic 3

Discuss the history and traditions of Ramadan and the symbolism of the jinn within Arabic literature and religion. What do the jinn look like? Why do you think these mythological creatures appear to Khalid in Chapter 19? Do they bring Khalid peace or anxiety? Why?

(see the answer keys)

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