Green Hills of Africa Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Green Hills of Africa Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does M'cola anger Hemingway?
(a) He doesn't talk to him enough.
(b) The Springfield is not cleaned properly.
(c) His eagerness scares away the kudu.
(d) He wakes him up too early.

2. What does Hemingway believe has scared away the kudu?
(a) The bad weather.
(b) The Austrian's lorry.
(c) A shenzi.
(d) American women.

3. What is a panga?
(a) A beaver dam.
(b) A long knife to cut brush with.
(c) A double-bitted axe.
(d) A wet track.

4. Why do they not shoot the enormous manamouki kudu they find?
(a) It has not yet grown into a doumi.
(b) They cannot keep up with it.
(c) It is too big for them to kill.
(d) It is actually a cow.

5. What does Hemingway solemnly look at each morning?
(a) The rising sun.
(b) The Southern Cross.
(c) His wife's face.
(d) His own reflection.

Short Answer Questions

1. What impresses the Roman most about Hemingway's drinking?

2. Why was Karl becoming so unhappy?

3. Who is the tragedian of the party?

4. Why does Hemingway instruct Kamau to drive faster?

5. Where on the first kudu is there a white chevron?

Short Essay Questions

1. What effect does this realization have upon the author?

2. How is the author's confidence affected by his successful kudu hunt?

3. How is the author affected by his confrontation with Karl?

4. How does the party react upon discovery of the first sable bull?

5. What is the significance of the arrival of the elderly native hunter?

6. What causes the author to return to camp angry?

7. What are the consequences of the stampede?

8. Why does The Roman's brother join the author's hunting party?

9. What does this new country reveal to the author?

10. What time period does the narrative return to?

(see the answer keys)

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