Green Hills of Africa Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Green Hills of Africa Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Pop unsure whether or not Hemingway has shot the rhino?
(a) Hemingway is a bad shot.
(b) It was a very long shot.
(c) He think's that Mama made the shot.
(d) The rhino was too fast.

2. What allows Hemingway his strong sense of smell?
(a) He does not drink.
(b) He does not smoke.
(c) He smokes only occasionally.
(d) He is a wine connoisseur.

3. What nationality is Kandisky?
(a) He is Swahili.
(b) He is bloody English.
(c) He is Austrian.
(d) He is South African.

4. What do the poor people that travelling westward wear?
(a) Draped white cloth.
(b) A greasy cloth knotted over one shoulder.
(c) Quivers of arrows.
(d) Umbrellas.

5. What does M'Cola think is the funniest joke of them all?
(a) Shooting a hyena.
(b) Eating a guinea.
(c) Shooting a guinea.
(d) Eating a hyena.

6. Why are the rhinos so hard to find?
(a) They are too small.
(b) They are well camouflaged.
(c) They are very fast.
(d) They are very shy.

7. Who finds the group of eight buffalo?
(a) Droopy.
(b) Pop.
(c) The local guide.
(d) M'Cola.

8. What makes the nasty stink in the forest?
(a) Elephant manure.
(b) A wounded buffalo.
(c) Old rhino.
(d) Baboon droppings.

9. What does Hemingway say is more difficult than poetry?
(a) A prose that has been written too many times.
(b) Prose that is similar to poetry.
(c) A prose that has never been written.
(d) A prose that has never been read.

10. What type of war is the best for a writer?
(a) A world war.
(b) A gang war.
(c) A religious war.
(d) A civil war.

11. What does Droopy do as a precaution before he goes to find the rhino?
(a) Nothing.
(b) He removes his clothing.
(c) He takes off his hat.
(d) He retrieves a heavier gun.

12. What gives away their presence to the rhino?
(a) Their tracks along the tunnel.
(b) The noise they make walking through the reeds.
(c) The scent of their skin.
(d) The sound made by their shooting.

13. What does Pop tell Hemingway to also shoot?
(a) The White Hunter.
(b) The ant lions.
(c) The rhino.
(d) The water buffalo.

14. What is it that confirms that Hemingway successfully shot the rhino?
(a) They heard the noise of the bullet hitting the rhinos hide.
(b) The rhino is suddenly quiet.
(c) The rhino barks really loudly.
(d) They find fresh blood on a grass blade.

15. Why do they not shoot the first Rhino they find?
(a) It is a calf rhino.
(b) There is no horn.
(c) It is a cow rhino.
(d) The horn is too small.

Short Answer Questions

1. How is Pop able to shoot elephants in high grass?

2. What animal would Hemingway prefer instead of a rhino?

3. What drink does Hemingway carry in his flask?

4. Who is described as having thin Chinese hairs at the corners of his mouth?

5. What alerts Karl and Dan to the rhino just outside of camp?

(see the answer keys)

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