The Great Santini Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Great Santini Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who uses the rape as an excuse to go after Toomer?
(a) Sammy.
(b) Ben.
(c) Bull.
(d) Red Pettus.

2. Who defends Ben?
(a) His entire English class.
(b) Ansley.
(c) The basketball team.
(d) Mary Anne.

3. Who is Rock Troy?
(a) A name Ben made up to impress his date.
(b) A boy from school.
(c) A friend of Sammy's.
(d) The name Sammy made up to impress his date.

4. What does Sister Loretta say a human body is?
(a) A sanctuary for the human spirit.
(b) A temple of the Holy Ghost.
(c) A shell for the soul.
(d) A gift from God.

5. What does Ben think about Mr. Loring's teaching style?
(a) Ben finds it unorthodox, but he likes Mr. Loring.
(b) Ben finds it boring and overly simplified.
(c) Ben finds it unorthodox and therefore wants out of the class.
(d) Ben finds it complicated and difficult to learn from.

6. What does Sister Loretta say is a form of self abuse and therefore a sin?
(a) Overeating.
(b) Masturbation.
(c) Intercourse.
(d) Athletics.

7. What is a black ace?
(a) A pilot who only flies dangerous missions.
(b) A pilot who is afraid to fly in combat.
(c) A pilot who bails out at the slightest sign of trouble.
(d) A pilot who has flown more than forty missions.

8. How does Sammy prepare for his date?
(a) By spending all afternoon in the shower.
(b) By buying a new suit.
(c) By buying a dozen roses.
(d) By making Ben pretend to be his date.

9. What does Mary Anne tell Ben after dinner the night of the prom?
(a) That she is in love with a soldier.
(b) That she has considered suicide.
(c) That she loves Ben.
(d) That she wishes Bull would go away.

10. What is Ben charged with after Junior arrests him?
(a) Hitting a police officer.
(b) Blackmail.
(c) Rape.
(d) Stealing a car.

11. What does Bull promise not to do at Mess Night?
(a) Eat too much.
(b) Stay out too late.
(c) Drink.
(d) Fight.

12. Who is Junior Palmer with?
(a) A young black girl.
(b) Ansley.
(c) A local nun.
(d) Mary Anne.

13. Who is Mr. Loring?
(a) Ben's grandfather.
(b) Ben's English teacher.
(c) The Meecham's neighbor.
(d) Ben's math teacher.

14. Why does Bull not bail out of his plane?
(a) Bull does not want the plane to crash over a populated area.
(b) Bull believes he can land the plane.
(c) Bull wants to die.
(d) Bull does not believe a true Marine would bail out.

15. Who drags Sammy from his car on lover's lane?
(a) His date's father.
(b) A rapist.
(c) A local cop.
(d) His date's boyfriend.

Short Answer Questions

1. What game did Sammy tell the girls he plays?

2. Who does Sammy see at lover's lane?

3. Who do the children have to wait on before opening gifts on Christmas morning?

4. What does Mary Anne tease Ben about?

5. What does Ben say to Bull when he goes to bring him home?

(see the answer keys)

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