The Government Inspector Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Government Inspector Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Artemy think Luka Lukich should go first?
(a) He is always alone.
(b) He is a fun loving soul.
(c) He is the enlightner of youth.
(d) He is a good humored man.

2. Who does the Governor say flogged the officer's widow?
(a) Luka.
(b) The widow.
(c) Anna.
(d) The merchants.

3. What does Khlestakov call the Governor?
(a) A poet.
(b) A hateful man.
(c) A swindler.
(d) A swine.

4. Where does Khlestakov say he feels a pounding?
(a) In his nose.
(b) In his head.
(c) In his ribs.
(d) In his heart.

5. What does Khlestakov say he threw into the official's eyes?
(a) Water.
(b) Sand.
(c) Dust.
(d) Mud.

6. What do the merchants want from Khlestakov?
(a) Food.
(b) Money.
(c) A room.
(d) A favor.

7. What does Khlestakov ask Osip to bring him?
(a) A candle.
(b) A torch.
(c) A gas lamp.
(d) A pen.

8. Who does Klestakov say was a little shorter the previous day?
(a) Luka.
(b) The Governor.
(c) The Judge.
(d) Artemis.

9. What does the Judge say he feels as if he were burning on?
(a) Coals.
(b) Iron.
(c) Wood.
(d) Ash.

10. What does the Governor say it is evident the Inspector General is?
(a) A comedian.
(b) A fraud.
(c) A young man.
(d) A liar.

11. How does Khlestakov describe Marya's neck?
(a) Giraffe-like.
(b) Cream.
(c) Lily.
(d) Swan-like.

12. What does the Governor say everything is to woman?
(a) Froth and bubble.
(b) Love and loss.
(c) Fun and games.
(d) Hot and cold.

13. What does the Merchant say tempted him to complain?
(a) The promise of a promotion.
(b) The other merchants.
(c) The evil spirit.
(d) A bribe.

14. What does Khlestakov say is his weakness other than smoking?
(a) Gambling.
(b) Vodka.
(c) Women.
(d) Good food.

15. What does Khlestakov say he likes?
(a) Friends.
(b) The city.
(c) His family.
(d) Hospitality.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Ammos say the Inspector General will rage at?

2. What does the Governor say him and Anna have turned into?

3. Who does the Judge say he was elected by?

4. What does Artemy say he should have put on?

5. What does Anna say did not make her uneasy about the Inspector General?

(see the answer keys)

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