Good Night, Mr. Tom Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 185 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Good Night, Mr. Tom Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 185 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 8, "School".

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is different about Zach that Tom and George both note?
(a) His lack of intelligence.
(b) His laugh.
(c) His clothing.
(d) His vocabulary.

2. What Bible story does Tom tell Willie?
(a) Sodom and Gomarah.
(b) Job.
(c) Lot.
(d) Noah's Ark.

3. On their walk in Chapter 2, what does Willie do for Tom?
(a) He picks berries.
(b) He whistles to him.
(c) He carries his bag.
(d) He walks the dog.

4. How does Willie feel about his bruises?
(a) He doesn't care if people see them.
(b) They are the marks of his sins.
(c) He has not deserved them.
(d) He is unfazed by them.

5. Why is the librarian astonished that Tom wants a card for Willie?
(a) She knows Willie can't read.
(b) Tom hates the library.
(c) She sees Tom as being uninvolved.
(d) There is a rule against cards for placed children.

Short Answer Questions

1. What Bible story doesTom tell Willie after his bath in Chapter 6?

2. How does Tom make everyone laugh over Mr. Ruddles's entrance?

3. Whose shadow does Willie see at the end of Chapter 5?

4. What does Tom take Willie into the fields to see in Chapter 7?

5. What does Charlie Rudder want of Tom?

(see the answer key)

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