Good Night, Mr. Tom Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 185 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Good Night, Mr. Tom Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 185 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 13, "Carol Singing".

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why hasn't Willie painted at school?
(a) He is too poor.
(b) The other kids won't let him.
(c) His mother won't let him.
(d) Because he can't read and write.

2. How is Tom feeling when Willie arrives at carol practice?
(a) Frightened.
(b) Angry because Willie is late.
(c) Shy.
(d) Sad because Rachel is not there.

3. What upsets Carrie about George?
(a) He has opportunities she wants and he does not.
(b) He teases her all of the time.
(c) He is smarter than she is.
(d) He can act in the play and she can't.

4. At the meeting, what does Tom volunteer to do?
(a) Help at the school.
(b) Fire-watching duties.
(c) Run a canteen.
(d) First-aid post.

5. How does Willie feel about his first day of school?
(a) He is excited to be in Mrs. Black's class.
(b) He is angry at Mrs. Hartridge.
(c) He is ready to learn.
(d) It is a bad day.

Short Answer Questions

1. What confusing saying did Zach leave Willie with on the night they first met?

2. What do Willie and the other children discover about Zach?

3. Why is Doctor Little surprised when he looks at Willie?

4. How does Willie feel about his bruises?

5. What does Tom teach Willie to do on their walk to mail the postcard?

(see the answer key)

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