Going Bovine Test | Final Test - Easy

Libba Bray
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Going Bovine Test | Final Test - Easy

Libba Bray
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Balder?
(a) A cow.
(b) A yard gnome.
(c) A bird.
(d) A statue.

2. Who does Balder say his father is?
(a) Zeus.
(b) Thor.
(c) Odin.
(d) Neptune.

3. What does Cameron make Balder do before he will let him go on the journey with him?
(a) Talk to Gonzo.
(b) Share his drugs.
(c) Steal more money.
(d) Take back what he stole.

4. Why is the next concert in Daytona cancelled?
(a) They are tired.
(b) Bad weather.
(c) There is another band.
(d) The first show was not good.

5. Who does Cameron see Glory playing with?
(a) A sick baby.
(b) Her shadow.
(c) A little girl.
(d) A man.

6. Where is the futuristic gas station found?
(a) Near the ocean.
(b) A farm.
(c) An air port.
(d) A mine.

7. How does Cameron plan to find Dr. X?
(a) He will surrender to the black matter.
(b) He will recreate the experiment.
(c) He will put himself in a coma.
(d) He will take off his medication bracelet.

8. What does Balder tell Cameron about Gods?
(a) They are mean.
(b) They know better.
(c) They mean well.
(d) They will die.

9. How do the scientists feel about Cameron's experiment?
(a) They are scared.
(b) They are ambivalent.
(c) They are angry.
(d) They are thrilled.

10. Why does Cameron pick up some hitchhikers?
(a) To avoid the police.
(b) To help people.
(c) To distract himself.
(d) To get gas money.

11. What does Dulcie tell Cameron she hates?
(a) Big cars.
(b) Snow globes.
(c) The ocean.
(d) College students.

12. What special power does Dulcie have?
(a) She can fly.
(b) She can read minds.
(c) She can change the past.
(d) She can see the future.

13. What does Cameron tell Gonzo to do when he is captured by the snow globe men?
(a) Video tape the experience.
(b) Call the police.
(c) Save himself.
(d) Fight to get him free.

14. What is Glory giving Cameron after he has sex?
(a) An IV drip.
(b) An anti-psychotic drug.
(c) Morphine.
(d) Jello cubes.

15. What is the name of the person who kisses Gonzo?
(a) Drew.
(b) Robin.
(c) Chris.
(d) Jamie.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where are the hitchhikers headed?

2. Where does the snow globe truck eventually go?

3. What does Gonzo think when Cameron tells him what happened to the motel?

4. What does Cameron see behind all the doors as he runs from the Wizard?

5. Why is Cameron so weak as he follows the snow globe truck?

(see the answer keys)

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