Going After Cacciato Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Tim O'Brien
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Going After Cacciato Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Tim O'Brien
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 22, the author mentions that which man was never expected to survive the war and didn't?
(a) Frenchie Tucker.
(b) Pederson.
(c) Ready Mix.
(d) Billy Boy Watkins.

2. In Chapter 19, what does Paul Berlin realize is the true value of the Cacciato pursuit?
(a) It will let him see the world.
(b) It will be a great war story.
(c) It has brought the squad together.
(d) It has taken him away from death.

3. What does Paul Berlin's host in Chapter 27 tell him he does not have?
(a) A history.
(b) A friend.
(c) A soul.
(d) A mission.

4. Who falls in love in Delhi?
(a) Oscar Johnson.
(b) Lieutenant Corson.
(c) Stink Harris.
(d) Doc Peret.

5. In Chapter 4, the author indicates that the Squad organizes themselves by all of the following bases except which?
(a) Superstition.
(b) Specialty.
(c) Race.
(d) Trust.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following men votes to in Chapter 3 to turn back?

2. With what term do the men of Third Squad refer to Lieutenant Corson after he tells them he will not be leaving Delhi?

3. Which of the following is not an activity that Sarkin Aung Wan and Paul Berlin do to pass the time in Delhi?

4. What proclamation does Doc Peret repeatedly make as the squad travels on the cart?

5. In Chapter 9, what does Stink Harris refuse to do for Doc Peret?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why can the Mayor of Ovissil not read Paul Berlin's history?

2. Why do living circumstances become awkward for Third Squad in Delhi?

3. How does Sidney Martin aggravate Third Squad in Chapter 25?

4. How does Paul Berlin succeed in keeping Sarkin Aung Wan with Third Squad?

5. How does the Squad figure out that they are on the same train that Cacciato took?

6. How does Third Squad end up on a cart with three Vietnamese women in Chapter 6?

7. How does Paul Berlin lose Cacciato in Mandalay?

8. How does Cacciato toy with the Third Squad in this chapter?

9. What does Paul Berlin hope regarding Cacciato?

10. Why do Stink Harris and Bernie Lynn have a falling out?

(see the answer keys)

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