Going After Cacciato Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Tim O'Brien
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Going After Cacciato Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Tim O'Brien
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What item do the men find in their search of the train in Chapter 21?
(a) Cacciato's AWOL bag.
(b) Cacciato's dog tags.
(c) Cacciato's photo album.
(d) Cacciato's uniform.

2. What animal were Paul Berlin and his father when they went to Indian Guides camp?
(a) Deer.
(b) Eagles.
(c) Bears.
(d) Salmon.

3. At what is Pederson shooting as he dies in the paddy?
(a) The water.
(b) The chinook.
(c) The trees.
(d) The sky.

4. What name does Sarkin Aung Wan call Paul Berlin?
(a) Nixon.
(b) Spec Four.
(c) GI Joe.
(d) Germany.

5. What item informs Third Squad that Cacciato has left Delhi in Chapter 26?
(a) A newspaper.
(b) A telegram.
(c) A set of dog-tags.
(d) A half-burnt map.

6. Which of the following is an unofficial SOP mentioned in Chapter 4?
(a) Taking local women along with the Squad.
(b) Smoking pot.
(c) Blowing tunnels instead of searching them.
(d) Burning empty villages.

7. From what ailment is Lieutenant Corson suffering at the beginning of the novel?
(a) Pneumonia.
(b) A tapeworm.
(c) Dysentery.
(d) Gout.

8. Which of the following is Paul Berlin shocked not to see on the mountain road in Chapter 25?
(a) Villages.
(b) Jungle.
(c) All of the above.
(d) Farms.

9. What does Third Squad discover in the mountains as they clear bodies in Chapter 27?
(a) Cacciato.
(b) Tunnels.
(c) Maps.
(d) POW's.

10. How is Cacciato dressed when Paul Berlin spots him in Chapter 18?
(a) As a woman.
(b) As a businessman.
(c) As a GI.
(d) As a monk.

11. What does Cacciato leave as a booby trap for Third Squad in this chapter?
(a) A frag grenade.
(b) A sterno container.
(c) A smoke grenade.
(d) An old land mine.

12. What appliance did Doc Peret disassemble as a child?
(a) An air conditioner.
(b) A television.
(c) A HAM radio.
(d) A refrigerator.

13. While practicing in a fake minefield in Chapter 4, how do new soldiers know that have tripped a "mine?"
(a) A siren goes off.
(b) No one ever trips a mine.
(c) A flag pops up.
(d) An NCO tells them.

14. In Chapter 21, the delirious Lieutenant tells Paul Berlin what truth about their situation?
(a) They have been kidnapped.
(b) They and Cacciato are one and the same.
(c) They will all die soon.
(d) They are never returning to Vietnam.

15. In Chapter 9, what is Doc Peret's special medicine for Bernie Lynn?
(a) Marijuana.
(b) Morphine.
(c) M&Ms.
(d) Water.

Short Answer Questions

1. Through what nearby country does Cacciato tell Berlin he intends to pass on his way to Paris?

2. What does Paul Berlin plan to stop doing after the war is over?

3. In the latrine in Chapter 4, whose name does Paul Berlin see written on the wall?

4. Which of the following characters does not go the MARS system to call home in Chapter 24?

5. Which of the following items is not among those that Li Van Hgoc serves to Third Squad in Chapter 13?

(see the answer keys)

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