Gods, Demons, and Others Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Gods, Demons, and Others Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Nala save a serpent from in Nala?
(a) A fire.
(b) Lightning.
(c) A falling tree.
(d) A large bird.

2. What in Sanskrit refers to the foremost poet or fountainhead of poetry?
(a) Adi Kavi.
(b) Kavi Chidira.
(c) Chidira Locaka.
(d) Locaka Adi.

3. Who visits Valmiki and tells him the prophecy of a great man, born into the race of Ikshvahus?
(a) Lakshmana.
(b) Lava.
(c) Narada.
(d) Viswamitra.

4. With what sage does Rama decide to live with in the forest as an example to his people in Valmiki?
(a) Vithoba.
(b) Dattatreya.
(c) Revanta.
(d) Valmiki.

5. What does the serpent's venom do to Nala?
(a) Makes him hallucinate.
(b) Changes his appearance.
(c) Makes him bleed.
(d) Kills him.

6. Which of Rama's emissaries is the son of the god of wind and endowed with extreme strength in Ravana?
(a) Kubera.
(b) Hanuman.
(c) Indrajit.
(d) Vibhishana.

7. What mountain gets in Ravana's way when riding home after vanquishing his brother's lands?
(a) The Kalanag mountain.
(b) The Kapilash mountain.
(c) The Kangyatse mountain.
(d) The Kailas mountain.

8. Who advises Ravana to undo the thing that is causing all the strife and give Rama's wife back?
(a) Vibhishana.
(b) Vali.
(c) Vaishnodevi.
(d) Vishnu

9. With whom does Kovalan have an affair with in The Mispaired Anklet?
(a) Madhavi.
(b) Kunthi.
(c) Kannagi.
(d) Varuna.

10. What weapon does Ravana give his son with which to attack a giant monkey?
(a) The Brahma Astra.
(b) The Ekaakii Astra.
(c) The Ekaakii Idaaniimapi.
(d) The Unmattacitta Aarii.

11. Who is referred to as the god of fire in Nala?
(a) Varuna.
(b) Yama.
(c) Agni.
(d) Indra.

12. Who is Ravana's sister that enters his chamber claiming that Rama has attacked her?
(a) Kunthi.
(b) Soorpanakha.
(c) Sita.
(d) Vedavati.

13. In what seacoast town does The Mispaired Anklet begin?
(a) Patiala.
(b) Puhar.
(c) Korba.
(d) Siliguri.

14. What does the name Ravana translate to in English?
(a) Peace.
(b) Trust.
(c) Scream.
(d) Friend.

15. What does Brahma grant to Ravana for his penance?
(a) Three wishes.
(b) Indestructibilty.
(c) Infinite knowledge.
(d) Great wealth.

Short Answer Questions

1. What messenger does Nala send to a beautiful princess in Nala?

2. Who is dragged by his tail on fire through Ravana's city?

3. The one commendable thing Ravana does in his life is marry whom?

4. Who throws herself into a fire to cleanse herself of Ravana's touch?

5. Shiva's assistant curses Ravana and tells him that _______ will bring about his demise.

(see the answer keys)

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