Godric Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Godric Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Godric describe Elric's eyes?
(a) As ferret sharp.
(b) As two coal-burnt onions.
(c) As pools of water.
(d) As slow and languid.

2. What does Godric say that prayer is?
(a) Connection to God.
(b) Solace from tyranny.
(c) Shooting shafts in the dark.
(d) A good way to exercise the tongue.

3. What does Godric want God to anoint so that he may be a better person for Burcwen?
(a) His eyes.
(b) His head.
(c) His heart.
(d) His ears.

4. Working for Falkes de Granvill, Godric feels that he is working his own _____.
(a) Angle.
(b) Sanctity.
(c) Damnation.
(d) Ground.

5. What does Falkes de Granvill love most?
(a) His wife.
(b) His hounds and horses.
(c) His hair.
(d) His employees.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is the kinsman of Tom Ball that hires Godric to ring the bells ?

2. What does Elric thrash himself with?

3. Who says farewell to Godric on his last trip to Farne?

4. Which field is thick with corpses from fighting between the Frankish knights and the Turks?

5. The church where Goric meets Elric is near _____.

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Godric's family find out where he is living when their house burns down?

2. When Reginald is writing in his book about Godric's service with Falkes de Granvill, how does he judge the noble lord as Godric tells his story? How does this reflect Reginald's belief that all men are essentially good?

3. What does Reginald say of Godric's newly-acquired ability to read and write?

4. What are Godric's thoughts as he listens to the monks sing at Christmas mass in Durham?

5. How does Perkin help Godric select his tomb?

6. How does Godric really feel about the sacrifices he has made for God as a hermit?

7. What happens to Godric as he passes through the Durham gate on his way to Bishop Pudsey's Christmas mass?

8. Describe the cathedral at Durham.

9. How is Elric, in all his rantings and his hermit lifestyle, treated by the community that surrounds where he lives?

10. What is the truth about Burcwen's feelings for William? What does she call him?

(see the answer keys)

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