Godric Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Godric Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Hedwic sees her life as being in Hell with her as _____.
(a) The Devil's bride.
(b) The queen of emptiness.
(c) The Devil's housekeeper.
(d) The Devil's daughter.

2. Which field is thick with corpses from fighting between the Frankish knights and the Turks?
(a) Ramleh.
(b) Konya.
(c) Bursa.
(d) Adana,

3. Godric feels that he fails Christ as a _____.
(a) Friend.
(b) Son.
(c) Prophet.
(d) Father.

4. Working for Falkes de Granvill, Godric feels that he is working his own _____.
(a) Ground.
(b) Angle.
(c) Sanctity.
(d) Damnation.

5. What does Godric say that life is as he describes the rich and poor that he has known?
(a) An end in itself.
(b) A list.
(c) A struggle.
(d) Complete injustice.

6. Who has chased Roger Mouse and Godric through the streets before with murder in his eye?
(a) Elric.
(b) Ailred.
(c) Peregrine Small.
(d) Colin.

7. How does Reginald say Burcwen died?
(a) A sweet wife.
(b) A scorned woman.
(c) A maiden chaste.
(d) A crazy wretch.

8. What color is Bishop Flambard's hair?
(a) Flaxen blond.
(b) Flaming red.
(c) Raven black.
(d) Bark brown.

9. What is the name of Jerusalem's port where King Baldwin wishes to be taken by Roger Mouse and Godric?
(a) Haifa.
(b) Said.
(c) Ashdod.
(d) Jaffa.

10. Who does Goric ask to teach him how to pray?
(a) Gillian.
(b) Ailred.
(c) Jesu.
(d) Mary.

11. What does "Flambard" mean in Norman?
(a) Knight or captain.
(b) Worthy of honor.
(c) Swelling.
(d) Flame or torch.

12. What does Godric believe is the ape that gibbers in one's loins?
(a) Dominance.
(b) Fear.
(c) Lust.
(d) Death.

13. Where does Godric wander to when Elric dies?
(a) Farne.
(b) Wulsingham.
(c) Bishop's Lynn.
(d) Saint Giles.

14. What does Elric thrash himself with?
(a) Willow wands.
(b) Sycamore saplings.
(c) Horse-tail whips.
(d) Leather straps.

15. What does Godric say of his incestuous encounter with Burcwen?
(a) That he himself is now a rapist.
(b) That it was solely Burwen's fault.
(c) That it was done out of love.
(d) That it has ruined his life.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Godric describe Elric's eyes?

2. Perkin says a tomb is like a _____ when Godric trims a slab of rock for his tombstone.

3. The church where Godric meets Elric is rumored to be built from _____.

4. In Godric's opinion, who is easy to love?

5. What does Perkin say he found in Godric's hair when he cleans him up for Christmas mass?

(see the answer keys)

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