Goblin Market Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Goblin Market Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The speaker of the poem laments in the third stanza of Another Spring that all her past results in what word?
(a) Tears.
(b) If.
(c) What.
(d) Never.

2. What does the poem's first (or only) speaker guide towards himself in A Bruised Reed Shall He Not Break?
(a) The deep yearnings of the heart.
(b) The lonely thrust of the world.
(c) The unseen longings of the soul.
(d) The intellectual thirst of the mind.

3. What is the second enemy in The Three Enemies?
(a) The Son.
(b) The night.
(c) The flesh.
(d) The world.

4. What sort of poem is The World?
(a) An epic.
(b) A limerick.
(c) A villanelle.
(d) A sonnet.

5. The speaker's mother was told of the speaker's what in Sister Maude?
(a) Fear.
(b) Shame.
(c) Sloth.
(d) Child.

6. In the second stanza of The First Spring Day, the speaker says she wonders if this spring-tide will literally bring another what?
(a) Year.
(b) Summer.
(c) Spring.
(d) Joy.

7. On what sort of day did "it" come to pass in May?
(a) A bright and breezy day.
(b) A wet and chill day.
(c) A bright and balmy day.
(d) A dark and cloudy day.

8. What is the third enemy in The Three Enemies?
(a) The world.
(b) The Spirit.
(c) The night.
(d) The Devil.

9. The body beloved of the speaker now lies, as said in the second stanza of Sister Maude, cold as what?
(a) Death.
(b) Stone.
(c) Faith.
(d) Ice.

10. Where does the poem's first (or only) speaker have power in A Bruised Reed Shall He Not Break?
(a) In earth and heaven above.
(b) In the hearts of all.
(c) Only in heaven above.
(d) On earth.

11. In what do all things end in The One Certainty?
(a) The sorrowful wails of the unloved.
(b) The eternal pain of hell.
(c) The blissful joy of paradise.
(d) The long dust of death.

12. How many beds will there be at the resting place in Up-Hill?
(a) An infinite amount.
(b) Only a few.
(c) Just one.
(d) Enough for everyone.

13. The fourth stanza of Sister Maude says that the speaker's father may rest where?
(a) Paradise.
(b) Home.
(c) Eternity.
(d) Her heart.

14. What will the poem's first (or only) speaker bless in A Bruised Reed Shall He Not Break?
(a) The seeds in the mind.
(b) The love of the will.
(c) The breath of the soul.
(d) The germs in the heart.

15. With what did "it" pass away in May?
(a) All sweet things.
(b) All great things.
(c) All small things.
(d) All swift things.

Short Answer Questions

1. What are the names of the two girls the speaker of No Thank You, John says would take pity on John?

2. What does the speaker implore Jesus to do for her in the third stanza of A Better Resurrection?

3. With what must Spring dawn again, in the third stanza of The First Spring Day?

4. What color are the sheets upon which the speaker lays in the third-to-last stanza of The Convent Threshold?

5. How far does the road wind uphill in the poem of the same name?

(see the answer keys)

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