Go Set a Watchman Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Go Set a Watchman Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Uncle Jack feed to his cat in Part 5, Chapter 14?
(a) Fancy Feast.
(b) Sardines and crackers.
(c) Tuna and crackers.
(d) Milk.

2. What do the women at Jean Louise's Coffee claim the NAACP is dedicated to in Part 5, Chapter 13?
(a) "The overthrow of the North."
(b) "The aid of blacks."
(c) "The overthrow of the South."
(d) "The education of whites."

3. What has Jem been voted as in his senior class?
(a) Most likely to succeed.
(b) Most Handsome.
(c) Most Charming.
(d) Most Intelligent.

4. When was the NAACP formed?
(a) 1909.
(b) 1915.
(c) 1929.
(d) 1865.

5. Whom does Alexandra call "the greediest boy she had ever seen, that he ate fourteen ears of corn at his Menopause" in Part 4, Chapter 12?
(a) Aaron Stein.
(b) Herbert Jemson.
(c) George Hill.
(d) Grady O'Hanlon.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where do "Disgraces to Families" get sent "and shut up in a Home away from decent people," according to the narrator in Part 4, Chapter 11?

2. What book does Jean Louise find in her house that frightens her "to mute hysteria by pictures of medieval labor chairs" in Part 4, Chapter 11?

3. What is the name of Hester Sinclair's husband?

4. Of the women at Jean Louise's Coffee, what does she call those who "in their early and middle thirties, devoted most of their free time to the Amanuensis Club, bridge, and getting one-up on each other in the matter of electrical appliances"?

5. Who asks Jean Louise to be "It" in a game of "Hot-Grease-in-the-Kitchen" in the flashback in Part 4, Chapter 11?

Short Essay Questions

1. How do you think Henry’s self perception influences his actions in Go Set a Watchman?

2. How does Jean Louise perceive the concept of “manners,” as seen in the novel?

3. What happens when Jean Louise arrives at Uncle Jack’s house in Part 5, Chapter 14?

4. What is Atticus Finch’s motivation for representing Frank in court?

5. What does Jean Louise do in preparation for the Commencement Dance in the flashback in Part 6, Chapter 15?

6. Why is Jean Louise forced to face a confession in the flashback in Part 6, Chapter 15?

7. How would you describe Jean Louise’s perceptions of racism amongst her family and the residents of Maycomb?

8. How does Henry justify Atticus’s membership in the Ku Klux Klan in Part 6, Chapter 16?

9. Who convinces Jean Louise to attend the Commencement Dance in the flashback in Part 6, Chapter 15?

10. Why do you think Calpurnia acts as she does when Jean Louise visits her in Part 4, Chapter 12?

(see the answer keys)

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